i can feel that my chee is low and not stable. maybe my parents chee no good when I was conceived. the jing energy must have been abused and now the ming is affected. sigh. any chinese tcm practitioner here can advise ways to improve chee?
to improve qi, not chee (as in cheebye) unless you need to shrink your vagina hole, eat moderately less, drink lots of fluids, consume probiotics, shit regularly. if you shit first thing in the morning with a long, smooth, continuous type 4 turd, your qi will be greatly enhanced. and then exercise much and have violent sex.
You must buy the first night of a virgin girl. Don't let the non-virgin sluts fool you into thinking that they are better because they are experienced. Indeed you get more shiok with a slut but the trade off is you lose your precious Qi.
i can feel that my chee is low and not stable. maybe my parents chee no good when I was conceived. the jing energy must have been abused and now the ming is affected. sigh. any chinese tcm practitioner here can advise ways to improve chee?
me no tcm practitioner ... but u shud execute ze 採陰補陽 strategy ...... any chinese tcm practitioner here can advise ways to improve chee?
u can try 採陽補陰 ...I also looking to increase my share of Cheebye.
Any tips?
u can try 採陽補陰 ...
To answer TS issue, ....
Better seek TCM experts on how to properly regulate chi, rather than seek a hopscotch of views from a forum. Further experts must be able to explain properly and let you understand the process, how to do it, why do it, before it is really useful and you can see the benefits ...no point get some fakey fuksperts who will just tell you to do this and do that...without explanations and before you can understand why and how......for this is dangerous as it may reduce further your chi and even.....sou....Good luck....
any kangtao for good tcm?
i can feel that my chee is low and not stable. maybe my parents chee no good when I was conceived. the jing energy must have been abused and now the ming is affected. sigh. any chinese tcm practitioner here can advise ways to improve chee?
It should be Chi or Qi. Not Chee.
don't waste money.
acupuncture needle deplete Qi
moxibustion replenish QI
the navel belly CV8 is where you received your energy from inside your mother.
when you died, balance energy leave also from your navel belly button.
so direct to the point, you do moxibistion with moxa stick daily (15mins) at your navel belly button. in no time your 5 organs QI will slowly replenish.
hopes that help
take note don't masterabte too much.
i can feel that my chee is low and not stable. maybe my parents chee no good when I was conceived. the jing energy must have been abused and now the ming is affected. sigh. any chinese tcm practitioner here can advise ways to improve chee?
interesting. where to buy that smoking incense?