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How to Help Jin Yin?


Alfrescian (Inf)
U guys are missing the point.

How is it possible for a 55 year old ..... old cunt to demand a fee of $150 in the first place? Hyperinflation ?

this ATB auntie has been in SG for a long time, she is aware of how SG works, she knows that lao tiko uncles have money to spend from CPF withdrawals and retirement funds, that's why she dares to fleece 67yo ah chan of $150.

Kee Chew

SINGAPORE - A beauty salon owner breached circuit breaker measures to provide massage and sexual services amid the Covid-19 outbreak.

Jin Yin, 55, was fined $22,000 on Wednesday (June 10) after pleading guilty to an offence under the Covid-19 (Temporary Measures ) Act.

The Singaporean also admitted to providing massage services without a licence. She managed to pay the fine in full.


Kee Chew

wahh...she paid the Fine in Full. she did not ask to pay by Instalment horr...:thumbsdown:

SPA business so good ???


Jin Yin already paid heavy penalty. Now she needs more money to recover her losses. Brothers, how to help her? our objective remains the same, help her!