Take your time in replying. Attempt to be coherent. Bear this simple rule in mind. Fitness does not relate to intelligence. An Intelligent person can be fit but it cannot be the other way around.
By the way, all you have to do is buy fish from the market. Don't be a sucker and visit some health supplement store.
Follow this advice and you will live long. Eat plenty of vegetable with a little meat preferably fish or white meat. Take carbohydrates in moderation and after age 40, reduce the amout of carbo. At this stage, you can cut out the meat and replace with lentils. This is the age where people tend to be religious and more moral minded so it serves both purposes.
Ride a bike at least 10km a day or jog 3 kms and triple that length on a sat or sunday. Don't waste your time doing weight / muscle related exercise. The same result can be achieved by working in the garden and you got something to show as well.
To keep the mind sharp, read extensively and write extensively. Don't focus on a single area as the mind tends to deteriorate and loses its dexterity.
Lastly control your temper as all the exercise will go to waste. Intelligence is something that cannot be worked on in the later years of your life, so no point worrying about it, just stick to your daily exercise and hope for the best.