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How Jesus ended up as God


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Staff member
People sometimes like to write about how doctors think they are god.

But god has never said he is a doctor

So what's with the healing people shit?


Jesus time they use natural herbs and called it antidote.

Only after the evil BE industrial Revolution they produced toxic industrial diseases that was beyond Jesus power to heal the diseases.

Jesus should never have started healing people if he did not want to be a doctor


if you say so. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

whoami already mentioned you need to be led or taught. What do you call that then?

Priesthood elevates human above others. The priest is more equal than anyone.

In Islam no such thing as priesthood. The knowledgeable teaches and shares their knowledge with others. While those being taught can in fact supersede the knowledge of their teachers. All of it is based on Quran and Hadiths. Any dispute goes back to the Quran and Hadith for confirmation and correction.

Being led or taught in Islam is so different from being superior in priestdom. Get it?


Alfrescian (Inf)
if you say so. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

whoami already mentioned you need to be led or taught. What do you call that then?

Yes. As a student u need to learn fm a qualified teacher/ustaz. One cant simply learn oneself or fm the net. :cautious: As i had mentioned before, any doubts can double check with the scriptures.

syed putra

Yes. As a student u need to learn fm a qualified teacher/ustaz. One cant simply learn oneself or fm the net. :cautious: As i had mentioned before, any doubts can double check with the scriptures.
You are on the wrong path there my son! You should seek guidance only from God!

syed putra


"And when God Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter are filled with aversion; and when others are mentioned beside Him, they rejoice!" (Qur'an 39:45)


Alfrescian (Inf)

"And when God Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter are filled with aversion; and when others are mentioned beside Him, they rejoice!" (Qur'an 39:45)

Ehh....tot u said Quran written by human? Still happy quoting?:smile:


hey bro. Mohammed died long before all this stuff was written. They attribute it to him, but I suspect it is not so. There is no hard evidence that he contributed to world anything other than the Charter of Medina. Islam was created after he died.

I also suspect like Jesus and Christianity, Islam was created for a ruling government. Like how Constantine created Christianity, I believe Caliph Abu Bakr created Islam. Both use names of famous personages that died to promote themselves. Christianity used Jesus and Islam used Mohammed. They are both from the same root religion, Judaism. They all share the same stories.

Islam was created for warring and conquering, evidences lay in the koran and hadith.

Allah prefers jihadis over muslims sitting at home:
Quran 4:95: Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] - other than the disabled - and the mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward -

Muslim warriors vs unbelievers:
Quran 47:4: When you meet the unbelievers (in battle), smite their necks until you have crushed them, then bind your captives firmly; thereafter (you are entitled to) set them free, either by an act of grace, or against ransom, until the war ends.8 That is for you to do. If Allah had so willed, He would have Himself exacted retribution from them. (But He did not do so) that He may test some of you by means of others.9 As for those who are slain in the way of Allah, He shall never let their works go to waste.

Promise of Virgins in heaven:
Qur’an 37:48: And with them (the dwellers of paradise) will be women with modest glances, with large, beautiful eyes, (nightsafari, you want to die in war against infidel for allah)

Abu Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' " (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 39)

syed putra

Islam was created for warring and conquering, evidences lay in the koran and hadith.

Allah prefers jihadis over muslims sitting at home:
Quran 4:95: Not equal are those believers remaining [at home] - other than the disabled - and the mujahideen, [who strive and fight] in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred the mujahideen through their wealth and their lives over those who remain [behind], by degrees. And to both Allah has promised the best [reward]. But Allah has preferred the mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward -

Muslim warriors vs unbelievers:
Quran 47:4: When you meet the unbelievers (in battle), smite their necks until you have crushed them, then bind your captives firmly; thereafter (you are entitled to) set them free, either by an act of grace, or against ransom, until the war ends.8 That is for you to do. If Allah had so willed, He would have Himself exacted retribution from them. (But He did not do so) that He may test some of you by means of others.9 As for those who are slain in the way of Allah, He shall never let their works go to waste.

Promise of Virgins in heaven:
Qur’an 37:48: And with them (the dwellers of paradise) will be women with modest glances, with large, beautiful eyes, (nightsafari, you want to die in war against infidel for allah)

Abu Umama narrated: "The Messenger of God said, 'Everyone that God admits into paradise will be married to 72 wives; two of them are houris and seventy of his inheritance of the [female] dwellers of hell. All of them will have libidinous sex organs and he will have an ever-erect penis.' " (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 39)
Forget the hadiths.
Historians have written off hadiths as it cannot be verified as authentic,
But Muslims still clings on to it.

Based on history. Read this BBC article. These are based on facts. Christians and Jews were free to travel into Muslim land. No forced conversion. Until Baghdad was eventually destroyed by mongols.

How modern mathematics emerged from a lost Islamic library
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(Image credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images)
Statue of Al-Khwarizmi in Uzbekistan (Credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images)

By Adrienne Bernhard7th December 2020

Centuries ago, a prestigious Islamic library brought Arabic numerals to the world. Though the library long since disappeared, its mathematical revolution changed our world.
Article continues below

The House of Wisdom sounds a bit like make believe: no trace remains of this ancient library, destroyed in the 13th Century, so we cannot be sure exactly where it was located or what it looked like.
But this prestigious academy was in fact a major intellectual powerhouse in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age, and the birthplace of mathematical concepts as transformative as the common zero and our modern-day “Arabic” numerals.
Founded as a private collection for caliph Harun Al-Rashid in the late 8th Century then converted to a public academy some 30 years later, the House of Wisdom appears to have pulled scientists from all over the world towards Baghdad, drawn as they were by the city’s vibrant intellectual curiosity and freedom of expression (Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars were all allowed to study there).
An archive as formidable in size as the present-day British Library in London or the Bibliothèque Nationale of Paris, the House of Wisdom eventually became an unrivalled centre for the study of humanities and sciences, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, geography, philosophy, literature and the arts – as well as some more dubious subjects such as alchemy and astrology.
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To conjure this great monument thus requires a leap of imagination (think the Citadel in Westeros, or the library at Hogwarts), but one thing is certain: the academy ushered in a cultural Renaissance that would entirely alter the course of mathematics.
The House of Wisdom was destroyed in the Mongol Siege of Baghdad in 1258 (according to legend, so many manuscripts were tossed into the River Tigris that its waters turned black from ink), but the discoveries made there introduced a powerful, abstract mathematical language that would later be adopted by the Islamic empire, Europe, and ultimately, the entire world.
“What should matter to us is not the precise details of where or when the House of Wisdom was created,” says Jim Al-Khalili, a professor of physics at the University of Surrey. “Far more interesting is the history of the scientific ideas themselves, and how they developed as a result of it.”
Tracing the House of Wisdom’s mathematical legacy involves a bit of time travel back to the future, as it were. For hundreds of years until the ebb of the Italian Renaissance, one name was synonymous with mathematics in Europe: Leonardo da Pisa, known posthumously as Fibonacci. Born in Pisa in 1170, the Italian mathematician received his primary instruction in Bugia, a trading enclave located on the Barbary coast of Africa (coastal North Africa). In his early 20s, Fibonacci traveled to the Middle East, captivated by ideas that had come west from India through Persia. When he returned to Italy, Fibonacci published Liber Abbaci, one of the first Western works to describe the Hindu-Arabic numeric system

syed putra

Whatever was written in the wuran, muslims behaved differently on the ground.
Mecca was forgotten backwater.centre of muslim world was Baghdad, Damascus tashkent and granada. Andalusua spain.
Nobody was forced to convert initially as there was no religion.that came later.