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how cum christian fren tells me must accept christ then can go heaven. she says do good and no evil is insufficient to qualify for entry to heaven

Kee Chew

Jesus did not use the word "son".

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 23:43

Well, that is the last-minute conversion similar to death bed conversion to get an entry to go to Heaven.
But Bible admonishes a man to have a lifelong walk with God




The Missing Years of Jesus | National Geographic :​


A man asks Sadhguru if he believes in Jesus Christ,​

Sadhguru's answer will shock you...​

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Singapore Dancing Spirit

In your bible, God says he is not the author of confusion. Yet in your bible are verses that when you ask 5 christians what it means, they will answer it in 6 different ways. It is full of contradictions and can be interpreted in so many ways.
Ask any christian how they reconcile 3 gods into one, and all logic and rationale goes out the window.

If Jesus were really god, he will unambiguously proclaim 'I AM GOD!' But he never did.

What he did was to instead declare that the father is the ONLY TRUE GOD! Clearly unambiguous.

There are thousands of holes in Paul's doctrine which you follow. Plenty of loose ends that can never be tied up cleanly.

And then there are dishonest christians who add/delete words and verses and translations errors till today.

The other dishonest christians are those who see the errors but their egos make them stubborn to accept truth. You will answer to Allah and it won't be nice.

Who are the 5 Christians? It is a tricky thing as you never know if that person is really a Christian.
If you think Pope is one among them, you are wrong. He is not a Christian but murderer.

For that reason, I have already clarified, I will demonstrate to you the TRUTH that Pope is a satanist in due time.
The world may respect him, but I have ZERO respect for a murderer.



Burt he was protected by the Innternational law of justice influenced by Rothschild family. Beware


If Jesus were really god, he will unambiguously proclaim 'I AM GOD!' But he never did.
What part of my message you did not understand? Jesus Christ did proclaim that he is God and everyone then understood that he declared himself to be God.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

What part of my message you did not understand? Jesus Christ did proclaim that he is God and everyone then understood that he declared himself to be God.
They can't get it.

Because they do not know His ROLE of Christ before and after His earthly ministry.
But they believe that everyone irrespective of race, religion would stand before Him for their final judgment though. Because Quran says so.


God Almighty
(The Father) or Jesus Christ or Holy Spirit is greater than all the united forces of ALL men, ALL angels (both good and fallen angels), demons, and all enemies, so no one need fear of being snatched out of God's hand. (John 10:29) The only thing one must do is come to God and permit His salvation and keeping power to be manifested. God cannot keep one contrary to his will any more than He kept Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14 1Tim. 3:6), angels (2Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6-7), pre-Adamites (Jer. 4:23-26 2Pet. 3:5-7), demons (Mt. 8:29), Adam and Eve (Gen. 3 Rom. 5:12-21), and many others who willed to sin.

Three commands--reverence to God:
➊ Be careful in all things when you call upon God
➋ Mention no other gods by name.
➌ Let it not be heard from your mouth.

God Almighty exalted the “name of Jesus Christ” above ALL names.
Anyone who has NOT kissed the feet of the Son of God will be consumed by His fury (Psa 2:12).

Kissing was a sign of subjection and friendship (1Sam. 10:1; 1Ki. 19:18; Hos. 13:2).

Seven steps in Christ’s exaltation:
➊ God highly exalted Him (Php. 2:9; Eph. 1:21).
➋ God gave Him a name above all (Php. 2:9).
➌ At the mere mention of His name, every knee must bow (Php. 2:10).
➍ Everything in heaven must bow (Php. 2:10).
➎ Everything in earth must bow (Php. 2:10).
➏ Everything under the earth must bow (Php. 2:10).
➐ Every tongue should confess His Lordship to the glory of God the Father (Php. 2:11).

Though this Testament prophecy in Philippians (Php. 2:10-11) is unfulfilled, it will be fulfilled in Millennium.

The NAME of Jesus will be higher in all the three worlds that are inhabited:
➊ Planet Heaven (Php. 2:10; Job 1:6; 2:1; Dan. 4:35; Col. 1:15-18 Rev. 12:12; 13:6)
➋ Planet Earth - on the earth (Php. 2:10; Col. 1:16; Rev. 12:12)
Underworld. Greek: katachthonios (G2709), under the earth; subterranean; infernal world (Php. 2:10; cp. Ps. 16:10 with Mt. 12:40 and Eph. 4:8-10).
This includes
➀ The angelic inhabitants in Tartarus (2Pet. 2:4 Jude 1:6-7 1Pet. 3:19);
➁ The pre-Adamites and demon inhabitants of the Abyss (Lk. 8:31; Rev. 9:1-21; 20:3,7)
➂ The giant races that have no resurrection but are kept captive in Sheol (Gen. 2:4; Isa. 26:14);
➃ The human inhabitants of Sheol/Hades (Ps. 9:17; 16:10; 71:20; Prov. 9:18; 15:24; Isa. 14:9; Ezek. 31:14-18; 32:18-27 Lk. 16:1-31 Rev. 20:11-15); and
➄ All other inhabitants of the infernal world (Php. 2:10 Rev. 5:13). This proves that hell is not the grave.

The whole world would know He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Apostle Paul's message to Phillippi. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:5-11 KJV).

All enemies shall bow before Him in due time (Ps. 22:29; 72:9; Isa. 2:12-21; 11:4-5)