By and large, in terms of hairy cunts, see below on ranking:
1. Japanese
2. Korean
3. Chinese
In some ways (not all), Chinese are quite inferior to Japanese. The Chinese women are the only one that worship Caucasians to the max over local Chinese men. The Japanese women may find Caucasians a novelty but do not worship to the max. You can see how many Chinese try to fake a Caucasian accent. Countless.
The Chinese businessmen are those wimpy and irresponsible type. Look at the milk poisioning case and see. Did the Chinese boss even resign or commit suicide? No.
The Japanese businessmen, bureaucrats and politicians will resign, bow their head in shame (and some cases, commit suicide) whenever a scandal broke out and is close to them.
The Chinese people are non-patriotic compared to Japanese. Give them money and benefits and their country is up for sale. One of these people is currently a forecaster in Parliament. The Japanese will never betray their country because they are too proud of their culture and history. You can even call them arrogant.
The Chinese boys are generally more sheltered than their Japanese counterparts and have already degenerated to momma's boys. Singapore can be a good example for this. Look at how many men run to their mothers for decision-making. The Japanese are generally more manly though in this modern era, such manliness is ebbing away.
Did you use raw data to compile your rankings???
Don't get me started on sinkieland. The wonders of how people worship inferior Caucasian product over local product just because the product has a Caucasian country origin written in it.Very good point. I think the Chinese generally have no way to keep their countrymen feeling proud of themselves. For example, Sinkieland has NO Culture and very weak national identity.
Just compare Jack Neo to Japan's 宮崎駿.
Also compare Christopher Lee with Kimura Takuya
We can also compare Creative Technology with Sony.
It's comparing Cow Dung with Caviar.
Don't get me started on sinkieland. The wonders of how people worship inferior Caucasian product over local product just because the product has a Caucasian country origin written in it.
To face the brutal truth, Chinese is really one of the worst race. The Chinese are very fond of backstabbing each other for benefits and money. Look at the informants during Japanese Occupation. Are they Chinese, Malay or Indian? I'm sure you know the answer.
When China was at war with Japan, most of the time, it was more of the battle between KMT and CCP than a united front against Japan.
Can you enlighten us why the chinese are so fond of backstabbing and taking advantage of each other?
The Chinese boys are generally more sheltered than their Japanese counterparts and have already degenerated to momma's boys. Singapore can be a good example for this. Look at how many men run to their mothers for decision-making. The Japanese are generally more manly though in this modern era, such manliness is ebbing away.
Just compare Jack Neo to Japan's 宮崎駿.
Also compare Christopher Lee with Kimura Takuya
We can also compare Creative Technology with Sony.
It's comparing Cow Dung with Caviar.
Yes. Extremely raw.
Also, by and large, for tight arseholes of their female specie, the ranking is as follow:-
1. Japanese
2. Chinese
3. Korean
Discuss?? (can also consider Korea to a lesser extent)
How about a keling? Looks like walking shit, Smells like sewage and flood the global market with their fake degrees?