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[h=1]Hougang Lunar New Year Dinner 2014[/h]Updated <abbr title="Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 12:56am" data-utime="1393433793" class="timestamp">on Wednesday</abbr>
鼓乐喧天,龙腾狮跃, 超过一千三百名后港居民与国会议员方荣发先生于后港五道<wbr>公园共度一个欢腾的甲午马年新春夜晚 !
庆典的序幕当然是我国独有特色的捞鱼生项目, 筷子一挥, "发" 声此起彼落,愿大家捞个风生水起, 愿新加坡国泰民安!
紧接着, 丰富的传统文化表演一一登场。首先出场的是传统潮州大戏<wbr>。 后港以潮州籍居多, 潮州大戏勾起许多年长居民的怀旧情怀与美好回忆。跟着是<wbr>两位小朋友精湛的笛子演出, 纯熟优美的节凑让人陶醉其中。
一日之计在于晨, 一年之计在于春,生肖与风水分析让大家一起展望未来。来<wbr>宾们都专心致志的聆听, 可见他们对前途与运势的重视。
此外, 由三位土生华人演出的娘惹歌舞剧更把节目推向最高潮, 让大家捧腹大笑。
迎春活动当然少不了唱贺岁歌。众议员为来宾呈现一首百听<wbr>不腻的新年歌 " 恭喜, 恭喜" 。喜悦的歌声为这乡亲浓浓的后港新春夜晚划上完美的句点<wbr>。
祝大家新年快乐, 马到功成 ! 明年再见。
Good entertainment, good food, and great company; the annual HGCC Lunar New Year Dinner on 15 February 2014 was indeed a night to remember for all! The event had a packed performace line up consisting of the lion and dragon dance, the traditional Teochew Opera, flute performances by two young and talented musicians, fortune and fengshui telling, and the quirky Nonya Show. The finale was a rendition of a Chinese new year song by all the MPs. The highlight of the event would have to be when over 1300 attendees all stood up and did the 'lou hei' in unity with the MPs on stage; great atmosphere and a fantastic way to kickstart an enjoyable night for the residents!
Credit: Photos by Adrian Sim & Hazel Han, Write up by Andrew Lim & Ron Tan
鼓乐喧天,龙腾狮跃, 超过一千三百名后港居民与国会议员方荣发先生于后港五道<wbr>公园共度一个欢腾的甲午马年新春夜晚 !
庆典的序幕当然是我国独有特色的捞鱼生项目, 筷子一挥, "发" 声此起彼落,愿大家捞个风生水起, 愿新加坡国泰民安!
紧接着, 丰富的传统文化表演一一登场。首先出场的是传统潮州大戏<wbr>。 后港以潮州籍居多, 潮州大戏勾起许多年长居民的怀旧情怀与美好回忆。跟着是<wbr>两位小朋友精湛的笛子演出, 纯熟优美的节凑让人陶醉其中。
一日之计在于晨, 一年之计在于春,生肖与风水分析让大家一起展望未来。来<wbr>宾们都专心致志的聆听, 可见他们对前途与运势的重视。
此外, 由三位土生华人演出的娘惹歌舞剧更把节目推向最高潮, 让大家捧腹大笑。
迎春活动当然少不了唱贺岁歌。众议员为来宾呈现一首百听<wbr>不腻的新年歌 " 恭喜, 恭喜" 。喜悦的歌声为这乡亲浓浓的后港新春夜晚划上完美的句点<wbr>。
祝大家新年快乐, 马到功成 ! 明年再见。
Good entertainment, good food, and great company; the annual HGCC Lunar New Year Dinner on 15 February 2014 was indeed a night to remember for all! The event had a packed performace line up consisting of the lion and dragon dance, the traditional Teochew Opera, flute performances by two young and talented musicians, fortune and fengshui telling, and the quirky Nonya Show. The finale was a rendition of a Chinese new year song by all the MPs. The highlight of the event would have to be when over 1300 attendees all stood up and did the 'lou hei' in unity with the MPs on stage; great atmosphere and a fantastic way to kickstart an enjoyable night for the residents!
Credit: Photos by Adrian Sim & Hazel Han, Write up by Andrew Lim & Ron Tan