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Horrible Accident @ Sentosa. Staff Caught Off Guard.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Posted on 26 Jun 2010
Sentosa Segway adventure goes wrong when husband falls and cuts himself


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So sad

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STOMPer SS is upset that her husband needed 5cm-long stitches for cuts he sustained when he fell off a segway in Sentosa. “The staff there were also not trained to handle such emergency situations,” she added.

“Segway Eco Beach Adventure in Sentosa shouldn’t be sold to first time riders and kids. To participate in the Eco Beach Adventure, riders need to drive from Beach Station to Palawan which is a relatively long road involving steep slopes and heavy human and vehicular traffic (aka overcrowding) particularly during school holidays.

“The riders will most likely fall if their Segway touches any object slightly.

“And during this long ride, there are high chances that first time riders may bang into any stationary or moving objects.

“On June 24, My family of four (two adults and a pair of 8-year-old twins) and I signed up for Segway Eco Beach Adventure.

“As a first time rider, my Segway ran into the sides of the footpath while riding to Palawan and I fell down.

“Luckily, I didn’t suffer from any serious injuries. However, my husband wasn’t so lucky.

“He fell down heavily on his face in Palawan beach resulting in deep wounds below his gums, lips, chin and nose. The wound inside the mouth needed stitches 5 cm long.

“The Government doesn’t allow first time motorised two-wheel vehicles to be driven by drivers without a proper license (and after passing a test) so driving even Segway through public places for first time riders shouldn’t be allowed.

“Also, it was shocking to find out that the staff of Gogreen Holdings were not trained to deal with accident situations.

Sentosa also doesn’t have its own ambulance service given so many adventure activities being offered there now. The injured parties are expected to wait for taxis to be ferried to the hospital.

“Customer service doesn’t stop at providing the latest technology. After this experience, I will hesitate to recommend Segway services to anyone unless there is a drastic change in the indifferent attitude of Gogreen Holdings staff and proper procedures are followed to deal with accidents.

“I would advise future first time riders to think twice before signing up for the Segway Eco Beach Adventure offered in Sentosa for their own safety.”


The management will probably say New Phrase: "Sorry we're caught with our pants down!"

We have been guarding all the time, so we're not caught off guard!


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So sad

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STOMPer SS is upset that her husband needed 5cm-long stitches for cuts he sustained when he fell off a segway in Sentosa. “The staff there were also not trained to handle such emergency situations,” she added.

“Segway Eco Beach Adventure in Sentosa shouldn’t be sold to first time riders and kids. To participate in the Eco Beach Adventure, riders need to drive from Beach Station to Palawan which is a relatively long road involving steep slopes and heavy human and vehicular traffic (aka overcrowding) particularly during school holidays.

“The riders will most likely fall if their Segway touches any object slightly.

“And during this long ride, there are high chances that first time riders may bang into any stationary or moving objects.

“On June 24, My family of four (two adults and a pair of 8-year-old twins) and I signed up for Segway Eco Beach Adventure.

“As a first time rider, my Segway ran into the sides of the footpath while riding to Palawan and I fell down.

“Luckily, I didn’t suffer from any serious injuries. However, my husband wasn’t so lucky.

“He fell down heavily on his face in Palawan beach resulting in deep wounds below his gums, lips, chin and nose. The wound inside the mouth needed stitches 5 cm long.

“The Government doesn’t allow first time motorised two-wheel vehicles to be driven by drivers without a proper license (and after passing a test) so driving even Segway through public places for first time riders shouldn’t be allowed.

“Also, it was shocking to find out that the staff of Gogreen Holdings were not trained to deal with accident situations.

Sentosa also doesn’t have its own ambulance service given so many adventure activities being offered there now. The injured parties are expected to wait for taxis to be ferried to the hospital.

“Customer service doesn’t stop at providing the latest technology. After this experience, I will hesitate to recommend Segway services to anyone unless there is a drastic change in the indifferent attitude of Gogreen Holdings staff and proper procedures are followed to deal with accidents.

“I would advise future first time riders to think twice before signing up for the Segway Eco Beach Adventure offered in Sentosa for their own safety.”[/QUOTE]


This cheebye got shit in her brains

If there are so many people and she think it's dangerous, why fucking ride a segway???

What a fucking cheebye shit brain that just want compensation with no basis since heir judgement are made with primary school ability


This is no different from riding a bike, you must expect a certain risk and may fall and get injured, They should provide full face helmet since falling face down is highly probable.

But I have to agree that the emergency respond is badly organized and some big wig should get their fat ass off the chair and start working.

This cheebye got shit in her brains

If there are so many people and she think it's dangerous, why fucking ride a segway???

What a fucking cheebye shit brain that just want compensation with no basis since heir judgement are made with primary school ability


Alfrescian (Inf)
This cheebye got shit in her brains

If there are so many people and she think it's dangerous, why fucking ride a segway???

What a fucking cheebye shit brain that just want compensation with no basis since heir judgement are made with primary school ability

>“Also, it was shocking to find out that the staff of Gogreen Holdings were not trained to deal with accident situations.

The staff of Gogreen Hold dongs, WENT GREEN!:biggrin:

Must be civil serpents? bonus 0.5mths plus $300 must support the economy mah!..go sentosa!..also support the go green movement mah!..climat change mah!...save Gaia mah!...save the environment mah!..

also known as 'teocheow hao lian..Mah!"..:wink:


The accident was understandable. Even George W Bush fell riding the thing. I know, he also didnt know which end of a bino to look thru.
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Don't worry. The accident did not reflect on the victim's IQ. Even George W Bush the leader of the Free World and leader in the War on Terror fell once riding that thingy. If there's any solace, Georgie boy didnt know which end of a bino to see thru. I hope the victim does.



Tom Navaseo : This is the bugger behind this company. Look for him for compensation. Don't let him con you though!!!!


The man got shit for brains ! Falling of Segway can get him that much damage .

What are hands and body roll for ?


But I have to agree that the emergency respond is badly organized and some big wig should get their fat ass off the chair and start working.

There are 1st Aid stations situated near the beaches, the Rangers quarters and Sentosa Cove. There is an emergency room at the Beach Station.
There are medical staff and a doctor on standby at RWS 24/7 permanently.

Why dun TS go and getting help from them. :confused:

Stupid Stomper ! :mad:


I don't know why the staff did not sue these facilities.

But I have my reservation on the complain, we are hearing one sided story and he may have motive to claim against the operator.

Whatever the real story, if the staff administer quick first aid, then he got not much to complain about in the first place.

There are 1st Aid stations situated near the beaches, the Rangers quarters and Sentosa Cove. There is an emergency room at the Beach Station.
There are medical staff and a doctor on standby at RWS 24/7 permanently.

Why dun TS go and getting help from them. :confused:

Stupid Stomper ! :mad:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
i think she is expecting to be treated like a king / critical condition for a small cut...fuck lah...small cut not as if he got massive heart attack.

If he is NS man, he is a disgrace to Singaporeans. If he is a FT then it is understandable, we have imported such a group bean curd FTs that cannot withstand knocks and stupid bitches who expect to be fawned over.

I betcha, if they have rushed them to the hospital, she will STOPM to complain being asked to pay for medical fees.