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Hong Lim market got braless vietbu selling beer


There are a lot of prudes in SIngapore, such as these cunts.

Are they related to the first class elites??

Byebye Penis

The fact the girl can work in hawker center means that she went through the additional health checks or even typhoid vaccinations.

She might be the wife of the stall holder if she has only work permit, or a citizen or PR.


One thing i dont like about viet bu pros is that they accept ah neh. Once accepted, her pussy become loose. This is an alternative for them to get 'chinese' gal just like my ah neh friend always say why viet bu look like chinese.
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On thing i dont like about viet bu pros is that they accept ah neh. Once accepted, her pussy become loose. This is an alternative for them to get 'chinese' gal just like my ah neh friend always say why viet bu look like chinese.
But why pussy become loose? Majority of ah neh dicks are small, they are not the ethnic African blacks!


Super Moderator
Staff member
only a braless vietbu thread will garner at least 69 replies. may go to 6.9 pages soon.

With fake boobs. Somehow fake boobs is ok.

Anything else fake people kpkb.

Fake beer. Fake car. Fake cigarette. Fake politician. Fake medicine. Fake money. Fake milk.


On thing i dont like about viet bu pros is that they accept ah neh. Once accepted, her pussy become loose. This is an alternative for them to get 'chinese' gal just like my ah neh friend always say why viet bu look like chinese.
That's very disgusting, why would anyone fuck with a filthy indian shitskin? That's worse than hoe gao kan. Her cheebye is damaged and dirty.