Dream on bro... with Crypto, you will NEVER know when is the price rise or fall.
With accepted promissory notes, regardless if US dollars or the insane BRICS dollars, one can least watch & determine such rise or fall with the direction & Geo-political situations that such are heading, but with Crypto, as it is a speculative fund backed by NOTHING, you will NEVER know when is the price rise or fall.
While AI had helped many, it is still only Human based algorithms, & NO Human is perfect & thus algorithms are NOT perfect. One can create such, but so too another can create better, & worse - the current models of TRUE AI will NEVER give direct answers, but only PROBABILITIES, which are NOT Facts.
The so called Best AI in the current World lays in IBM, & ultimately it is still a mortal construction, with FAR FAR more to perfect which would take thousands of years, if possible, to compete with the fuzzy logic of the Human mind even today....