BTW this is what I love about the vbulletin platform. If a thread is really good, I can "stick" it so it remains on top till it has received the mileage it deserves. With that freakin Delphi platform, I made a simple request for a "sticky thread" feature for more than 4 YEARS! Nothing ever happened.
Charged?? Who by?? The Third Reich???
Wah Kau,
I laughed till i nearly fall off the chair, good one, up ya for this
You can't "up" yet my friend. You need power = 1 or more. At the moment, it is still "0". It will jump a notch or two once you reach 50 posts.
Roger roger,
When i added to his pts, it didn't say i didn't have any pts to "upz" but i'll up him once i get it
The system knows that your power = 0 so it lets you add 0 to whoever you choose.
Unfortunately, 0+x = x so the points of the person you want to "up" don't move.
Your power is reflected in the little box in the top right corner of every message you post.
Who say we are not creative