firstly, ask yourself these question to qualify your accusation:
1. do u write and post msg here with ease? where did u get your education?
2. are u keeping cosily warm with a roof over your head?
3. do u fear stepping out of the street and not returning home in one piece?
4. are u apprehensive that tomorrow may never come?
5. do u enjoy shopping anytime u like or discoing until the late wee hours?
6. do u feel safe living here or do u feel exasperated to leave here?
7. what has the big evil thing paps has done here to make u feel fr (1) to (6)?
8. what has chee ever done or contributed constructively and positively beside wasting national resources?
9. if chee's doing right all this while, his support should be raising. strangely, it isn't? why?
10. have u found out how chee makes his livelihood being a bankfrupt and could still zip around in a decent car and where does he live? landed property or hdb pigeonhole?
for (10), bankrupt living in landed property...sounds very contradicting. hates the paps and yet live in their paps' pigeonhole ...lagi contradicting.
there are alot more. if we open our eyes clearly, we should be more discerning. if we are enchanted by chee's prophesying messages, then we are already brain-washed by him.
now ask yourself this: what's real; what's not? be honest and practical.
by the way, lau lee could hand over his passport anytime. when he isn't around, what would chee use for his next excuse for his continuous failure? he better starts thinking now or you guys could suggest a host of other lame reasons to back him up.