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Hello doctors pse take care of yourselves 1st! Surgeon fainted during surgery !



Don't doctors know that they had became unfit for duty?:rolleyes::rolleyes::wink::*:

Taiwan's surgeon fainted during a surgery, got sent into ICU himself. Other surgeon took over his patient. :(

The sergeon's wife who is another doctor, said she was horrified to learn that he fainted.

She suspected her husband did not have enough meal causing him to pass out!



救人反被救 醫師開刀中突不適昏

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/06/24 12:09</q> 李佳欣
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>高雄長庚醫院傳出有婦產科醫 師,在幫病人開刀時,竟然身體不適突然昏倒的狀況!現年39歲的傅姓醫師,當天執行第二場的手術,才剛動刀,就覺得頭昏不舒服,要求醫護人員協助找椅子坐 下休息,但隨即昏倒,緊急被抬出開刀房!這場手術後來由其他醫師代為操刀完成,而猝昏的傅姓醫師急救後,人還在加護病房!是過勞發生意外嗎?他的太太說,他們兩人都在攻讀博士班,加上醫師工作本來就忙碌,可能太過操勞,才會昏倒。
不 過回顧當天的行程,現年39歲的醫師,8點30分第一刀,近中午結束,而隨即在12點40分第二刀,就出現身體不適倒下,其實檢視突然昏倒的醫師工作量, 每天得照顧病患10人,一周也得開5台刀,看120名病患,還得要加上值班,即使人都已經插管開刀住進加護病房,這一名婦產科醫師,惦念的還是工作,當老 婆的實在很心疼。昏倒醫師老婆傅太太:「他抬頭第一句話說,他要回去工作。」