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Serious Headless in Lebanon?


The more those Islamofascists play punk, the greater the vengeance by Israel. :cool:

Soldier casualties in such conflicts are inevitable. Benjamin Netanyahu's brother was KIA too. :wink:

USA and Israel will dare not touch Iran after this.
This is not 1991. Things are different now. Iran is a strategic part of Russia/China Brics project. To allow it to fail will mean eventual China and Russian capitulation to CIA.
Iran has made it clear, touch their oil production facilities, and all middle east facilities will go up in smoke and Israeli ports and power generation will be destroyed after their air bases is no longer in existence.
Plus if Israel uses nukes, Iran will get nukes from Pakistan.
Also nukes from Russia as the recent secret cooperation agreement would probably have that too.
Zionazis are toast. Just counting the days.


maybe no point to send them to hospital?
Hamas hizbollah and Iran are extremely disciplined when it comes to war.
They have stated previously that they will not attack helicopter ambulances.
It would be so easy to do that as demonstrated in gaza and south Lebanon.
Iran too has limited it's strikes to military facilities, and not attack civilians.
Compare that to the behaviour of fake juice.

syed putra

I asked myself why Hamas attacked the music festival in such salvage manner to anger the world? Why did Hamas do something so stupid and caused the loss of Gaza strip and suffering of civilians. Then Hezbollah was forced to response to show support for Hamas.

It appears to me that their sugar daddy IRAN is using them as a proxy to fight Israel so that Muslim world (especially Saudi) dare not make peace with Israel.

One step deeper, when things happened, we asked ourselves who is the benefiticary eventually?

In recent years, Hezbollah is less obedient to Iran than Hamas or Houthi. Hezbollah's leader Nasrallah is also more charming than IRAN's supreme leader and many deemed him to be a direct descent of Prophet Muhammad. The removal (killing) of the whole Hezbollah leadership works in IRAN's favour and they can introduce new puppets.

Lastly, look at this week and the previous missile attack by Iran on Israel. Like putting up to show for their supporters but afraid of severe Israeli reactions, IRAN's attacks were polite and limited, with ample warnings and infrastructures/civilian centres were mostly avoided. After which, IRAN will always proclaim that they have "concluded their revenge" and will retailate only further if Israel retailates.

Conclusion: IRAN's supreme leader is a jealous and ball-less man.
The foundation of the problem is Israel reluctance to abide by UN resolution to form a Palestinian state .
If there is a Palestinian state, and Palestine continued attacking israel then I can say it's response is justifiable.

syed putra

The arabs wish to stop the abraham agreement where Saudi will sign for cooperation and peace in middle east..something like that

For hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah business model, there cannot be peace in middle east, otherwise no use for them
The Arab monarchies are more scared of Hamas and Hezbollah than israel. Their position as head of state will be at risk. They too want israel to win unfortunately.


USA and Israel will dare not touch Iran after this.
This is not 1991. Things are different now. Iran is a strategic part of Russia/China Brics project. To allow it to fail will mean eventual China and Russian capitulation to CIA.
Iran has made it clear, touch their oil production facilities, and all middle east facilities will go up in smoke and Israeli ports and power generation will be destroyed after their air bases is no longer in existence.
Plus if Israel uses nukes, Iran will get nukes from Pakistan.
Also nukes from Russia as the recent secret cooperation agreement would probably have that too.
Zionazis are toast. Just counting the days.
The Pakis have their own nukes to strike Ah Nehs.


The foundation of the problem is Israel reluctance to abide by UN resolution to form a Palestinian state .
If there is a Palestinian state, and Palestine continued attacking israel then I can say it's response is justifiable.
Non non non....bibi need to justify he is the latest and greatest Dua Kee in order to pull thru all his legal woes


Alfrescian (Inf)
actually very confusing. When Russia invaded Ukraine, we know their core objective (at least control east Ukraine).

Can't tell what is Israel's core objective this time yet

this one is pest control lor..................Gaza too many people liao...........must cull a bit...........