So far no historical documents nor records to verify this.
Its mentioned in the Quran/Hadiths. Check it out.
So far no historical documents nor records to verify this.
What is SWT?
Atok, what syed meant is independent evidence.Its mentioned in the Quran/Hadiths. Check it out.
Atok, what syed meant is independent evidence.
I am malay like no other. Hamas malay! You all watch out! You all turned me into this.I think he was kidding. He's a DKK - acculturated Malay with Indian ancestry (like Halimah). Should have been sunat when young. Now apostate.
Uncouth, selfish, occupierscho&ink? which behaviour?
Can you show me evidence Jesus is god?
Can you show everyone the evidence you will get to make love with Virgins in jannah? What will your wife get?
So u cant. It all boilds down to your faith. I have faith in Allah swt.
Your faith is talk only. If you have faith in allah, you will strip your waist with explosives and run into this building. For the sake of allah and the cause of allah, allah will reward you handsomely.
No use cursing the jews on the internet, be a martyr.
We, including you, are borned into this world to worship One and only God, Allah swt. So taking your own life is a great sin. Have you recite your shahada? Time is running out.
We are all sama sama muslims, so why you see us as unclean?![]()
If u worship one God i.e. Allah swt and follow the Quran teaching and the wisdom of the Prophet, pbuh. Then u are a Muslim.![]()
What is the wisdom of the Prophet?
DOnt be lazy. Go check the hadiths
How to read all the hadiths? Easier you tell me or the wisdom you are too afraid to share?
"He is not a believer whose stomach is full while the neighbour to his side is starving.”
The prophet gave his food to his starving neigbour?
The companions of Suffa were the guests of Muslims. Neither did they have families to depend upon, nor did they own any money or property. Whenever an object of charity was brought to the Prophet (pbuh), he would send all of it to the Companions and would not take anything from it, and whenever a present was given to him, he would send some to them and keep some of it for himself. (Bukhari, Riqaq, 17) Therefore, the reason for having just water and dates for food in the Prophet’s home and his hunger for long periods of time was because he was sharing generously whatever he had with the needy. In other words, the reason for the financial hardship that he experienced in his life was not because he did not have the means but, as it was mentioned above, the numbers of the needy that he was helping. Thus, the Prophet (pbuh) personally lived in accordance with his following saying:
“The one who eats to fill while his /her neighbors are hungry is not a true believer.” (Hakim, II, 15)
Abdullah bin Amr (ra) said, ’A man asked the Prophet, “What Islamic traits are the best?” The Prophet said, ”Feed the people, and greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know”’. [Bukhari]
You are suppose to submit to God aloneIf u worship one God i.e. Allah swt and follow the Quran teaching and the wisdom of the Prophet, pbuh. Then u are a Muslim.![]()