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haha! wp no hiew the arrogant SDP chee, he cry father, cry mother, poor thing


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Opposition in fighting...

OMG!!! The show has ended. SDP did it again!!! Well done CSJ!!! Singapore's number one hero!!!

The OPPO VOTE is gone - written off !!!

Congratulations to Dr Koh, the new MP for PE!!!


Re: Opposition in fighting...

Walau now still got people write letters?

Why not pick up the phone and call?

How come never publish ah lian letter?

this article more interesting

[FONT=&amp]Lina Loh to Lianhe Zaobao on Chee-Chiam rift: Chiam was being forced out of SDP

[/FONT] In her first ever interview with the mainstream media, the wife of veteran opposition leader Mr Chiam See Tong, Ms Lina Loh revealed that Mr Chiam was forced out of the Singapore Democratic Party he founded in 1980.

Ms Loh contacted Lianhe Zaobao herself after reading the Zaobao interview with Dr Chee Soon Juan which was published on 28 February 2010.

Dr Chee was quoted as saying in the interview that he tried to stop Mr Chiam from leaving SDP to no avail, but was disputed by Ms Loh who said it is only “half the story.”

Ms Loh was interviewed together with former SDP CEC member and current Singapore People Party’s Chairman Mr Sin Kek Tong by Lianhe Zaobao journalist Ms Yew Lun Tian.

She sneered at Dr Chee’s claims that he had wanted Mr Chiam to stay.

“If he really wanted to keep Mr Chiam, he coulld well reject the position of the Secretary-General or object to his expulsion when the CEC moved a motion to do so,” she was quoted as saying in Lianhe Zaobao.

During that critical disciplinary proceedings taken against Mr Chiam, only one out of 13 CEC members objected to Mr Chiam’s expulsion. Another one abstain.

Mr Chiam had been hauled up for disciplinary action by SDP CEC for criticizing Dr Chee Soon Juan’s hungry strike in the media. The latter had done so to protest against his “unfair” sacking from NUS for “misusing” research funds.

Ms Loh revealed that Mr Chiam had threatened to resign from his position as Secretary-General in a fit of anger and was amenable to mediation between the two camps spearheaded by Mr Sin.

As Mr Chiam was heading towards the political oblivion as being sacked from SDP would mean he lose his parliamentary seat as well, Mr Sin founded the Singapore People’s Party in 1994 which Mr Chiam eventually joined later in the year.

Ms Loh stressed that her decision to be interviewed is not to bad-mouth Dr Chee or to argue with him.

“I am only saying the truth for my husband to let the younger generation to understand Uncle Chiam, I need to step forward to clarify that he did not abandon SDP, when we were forced to leave, we were in so much pain in our hearts,” she said.

Mr Chiam’s acrimonious departure from SDP marked the beginning of its decline. After reaching dazzling heights during the 1991 general election when it won an unprecedented 3 seats, it would go on to lose all its seats in the 1997 election.

Though Dr Chee has perservered against all odds to keep the party together in the face of crippling defamation lawsuits launched against it by PAP leaders, it is unlikely that SDP will regain its former glory again.


Re: Opposition in fighting...

Yea i agree , I am a Singaporean who want change but
to vote for a MAD opposition i will not .

I will vote for WP .. who is a capable, logical , practical leader .
SDP MR Chee, not likely capable .
PAPaya is stupid and if
any opposition is SUE by PAPaya . Means that
Opposition is more stupid.


Re: Opposition in fighting...

Now you see why Pinky and father are willing to discharge CSJ from bankruptcy? Pinky have sensed that PAPies are losing its credibility and trust from the people and the next better alternative for them to remain in power is to create disunity and chaos within the oppositions.


Re: Opposition in fighting...

[h=2]Friday, December 28, 2012[/h] [h=3]Splitting of the votes[/h]

A few readers drew a parallel between the Punggol East bye-election and the Presidential Election. I want to take this opportunity to give some background.

In July 2011, a few people urged me to stand for the Presidential Election, so that there would be no more walkover. Tan Cheng Bock had expressed his interest to contest, but he was considered at that time to be a PAP person There was a strong chance that he would be disqualified, as he did not have a strong financial background, as Andrew Kuan was rejected at the previous election.

After some hesitation, I decided to collect the nomination form. Several of the non-PAP parties pledged their support for me at that time.

The situation changed when Tan Jee Say also expressed interest in the election. Based on his background, he should not have qualified, following the rejection of Andrew Kuan.

It was a surprise to my team that all four candidates were approved by the Committee. I had a meeting with Tan Jee Say to decide on one party to withdraw, but there was no agreement. The rest is history.

I want Singaporeans to know, especially those that are not so circumspective, that if I had not entered into the election, there is a high chance that it would be no election like in 2005, i.e. another walkover.

Through my involvement, I have made a contribution in insuring that there will be a election at future Presidential elections, as the recent decision of the Presidential Election Committee had opened the field to many thousand possible candidates.

I do not have any intention to take part in a future election, but I hope that my small contribution to opening up the election process would be appreciated.

Posted by Kin Lian Tan at <a class="timestamp-link" href="http://tankinlian.blogspot.sg/2012/12/splitting-of-votes.html" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" itemprop="datePublished" title="2012-12-28T14:28:00+08:00">2:28 PM</abbr>


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Opposition in fighting...

Er... he could have backed off at the nomination centre. This doesn't make much sense.

[h=2]Friday, December 28, 2012[/h] [h=3]Splitting of the votes[/h]

A few readers drew a parallel between the Punggol East bye-election and the Presidential Election. I want to take this opportunity to give some background.

In July 2011, a few people urged me to stand for the Presidential Election, so that there would be no more walkover. Tan Cheng Bock had expressed his interest to contest, but he was considered at that time to be a PAP person There was a strong chance that he would be disqualified, as he did not have a strong financial background, as Andrew Kuan was rejected at the previous election.

After some hesitation, I decided to collect the nomination form. Several of the non-PAP parties pledged their support for me at that time.

The situation changed when Tan Jee Say also expressed interest in the election. Based on his background, he should not have qualified, following the rejection of Andrew Kuan.

It was a surprise to my team that all four candidates were approved by the Committee. I had a meeting with Tan Jee Say to decide on one party to withdraw, but there was no agreement. The rest is history.

I want Singaporeans to know, especially those that are not so circumspective, that if I had not entered into the election, there is a high chance that it would be no election like in 2005, i.e. another walkover.

Through my involvement, I have made a contribution in insuring that there will be a election at future Presidential elections, as the recent decision of the Presidential Election Committee had opened the field to many thousand possible candidates.

I do not have any intention to take part in a future election, but I hope that my small contribution to opening up the election process would be appreciated.

Posted by Kin Lian Tan at <a class="timestamp-link" href="http://tankinlian.blogspot.sg/2012/12/splitting-of-votes.html" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" itemprop="datePublished" title="2012-12-28T14:28:00+08:00">2:28 PM</abbr>


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Opposition in fighting...

Er... he could have backed off at the nomination centre. This doesn't make much sense.

after everything, TKL can't back out at the nomination center. pride and ego at stake. even if TKL was willing to. the people behind him might not want to give up. might as well fight the cause to the very end.


Re: Opposition in fighting...

The Singapore Democratic Party has called for a joint campaign with the Workers' Party, where both parties field one SDP candidate. If victorious, the SDP candidate will enter Parliament and WP will run Punggol East Town Council.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Opposition in fighting...

TKL should have backed out and said, there are other candidates now and this will not be a walk over, I will do my best to help TCB win the election etc etc,,he would have got more respect,,and not be ridiculed like he is now

after everything, TKL can't back out at the nomination center. pride and ego at stake. even if TKL was willing to. the people behind him might not want to give up. might as well fight the cause to the very end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Re: Opposition in fighting...

after everything, TKL can't back out at the nomination center. pride and ego at stake. even if TKL was willing to. the people behind him might not want to give up. might as well fight the cause to the very end.

Referring to S'pore's favourite politician, GMS?


Re: Opposition in fighting...

SDP proposes unity candidate with WP

Added on: Friday Today
Total comments: 7
Singapore Democrats


The WP has not replied to SDP's invitation to discuss our parties' participation in the Punggol East by-election. We are disappointed that we were unable to get together with WP.

Nonetheless, we have not given up the effort of finding a solution to field a single opposition candidate to contest in the by-election and we will continue to work towards this end.

In the spirit of compromise and cooperation, we would like to propose that our two parties run a joint campaign and field one candidate from the SDP. If victorious, the SDP candidate will enter Parliament and the WP will run the Punggol East Town Council.

This would be a win-win-win situation. A successful unity candidate would mean another seat in Parliament for the opposition. It would lay the ground for bigger opposition representation in the next general elections, signaling a big win for the people of Singapore.

It would also be a win for the WP which would have added clout in their Town Council management and access to the Punggol East grassroots network.

Thirdly, the SDP would be seated in Parliament and we will be able to table and debate the Government on our alternative policies.

We hope to meet with the WP to discuss this proposal and see if we can come to an agreement. Dr Chee Soon Juan has sent WP Secretary-General Mr Low Thia Khiang the proposal and sought a meeting with him tomorrow, 12 January 2013.

For the sake of our supporters who do not want to see the SDP and WP go head-to-head in a 3-cornered fight against the PAP; we need to find a solution to this problem. This proposal is the answer.

We assure our supporters that we will explore every possibility to avoid a 3-corner fight. But in any arrangement between two parties there must be give and take on both sides. We hope that the WP will meet us half-way.

The SDP has our strengths and the WP has its strengths. We need to leverage on our positives to serve the people. We need to focus on what we have in common rather than our differences.

For the sake of Singaporeans, the SDP is willing to compromise and work together with the WP to achieve our ultimate objective of defeating the PAP candidate Dr Koh Poh Koon and bring Singapore one step closer to democracy.

If this is the result of our cooperation, our nation would achieve a historic breakthrough to a deeper and more effective politics in the service of our people.


Last edited:


Re: Opposition in fighting...

The Singapore Democratic Party has called for a joint campaign with the Workers' Party, where both parties field one SDP candidate. If victorious, the SDP candidate will enter Parliament and WP will run Punggol East Town Council.


why is chee alone, where's the rest...

Thick Face Black Heart

Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Re: Opposition in fighting...

Another delusional fucker. He paved the way for a contest MY FOOT. That guy was part of the process of vote splitting and getting TT into the Istana. He could have easily withdrawn but did not. The fact that he ended friendships with people who supported other candidates is very telling.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Splitting of the votes

A few readers drew a parallel between the Punggol East bye-election and the Presidential Election. I want to take this opportunity to give some background.

In July 2011, a few people urged me to stand for the Presidential Election, so that there would be no more walkover. Tan Cheng Bock had expressed his interest to contest, but he was considered at that time to be a PAP person There was a strong chance that he would be disqualified, as he did not have a strong financial background, as Andrew Kuan was rejected at the previous election.

After some hesitation, I decided to collect the nomination form. Several of the non-PAP parties pledged their support for me at that time.

The situation changed when Tan Jee Say also expressed interest in the election. Based on his background, he should not have qualified, following the rejection of Andrew Kuan.

It was a surprise to my team that all four candidates were approved by the Committee. I had a meeting with Tan Jee Say to decide on one party to withdraw, but there was no agreement. The rest is history.

I want Singaporeans to know, especially those that are not so circumspective, that if I had not entered into the election, there is a high chance that it would be no election like in 2005, i.e. another walkover.

Through my involvement, I have made a contribution in insuring that there will be a election at future Presidential elections, as the recent decision of the Presidential Election Committee had opened the field to many thousand possible candidates.

I do not have any intention to take part in a future election, but I hope that my small contribution to opening up the election process would be appreciated.

Posted by Kin Lian Tan at <a class="timestamp-link" href="http://tankinlian.blogspot.sg/2012/12/splitting-of-votes.html" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" itemprop="datePublished" title="2012-12-28T14:28:00+08:00">2:28 PM</abbr>


Re: Opposition in fighting...

TKL - what a moron. 30 year PAP cadre member. Shows the quality that they have.