I could never explain the bond and many people were confused by it. Over the years I formed the impression that both these men loved politics to the hilt and constantly shared the adrenalin rush.
I too found DN despite all his comments from Canada never ever revealed anything about the old man and his abuses and there many. What I know of is that E W Barker and Nathan worked behind the scenes to patch things up but to no avail.
It was quite bizarre actually. People of office have since time memorial have run afoul of society, committed major gaffes and misdeeds more serious than this but things could have easily have been covered up. I wonder why this fall-out went public.
I too found DN despite all his comments from Canada never ever revealed anything about the old man and his abuses and there many. What I know of is that E W Barker and Nathan worked behind the scenes to patch things up but to no avail.
It was quite bizarre actually. People of office have since time memorial have run afoul of society, committed major gaffes and misdeeds more serious than this but things could have easily have been covered up. I wonder why this fall-out went public.
Dear Scroo
I really wonder as to what bonded or kept these group of men through thick and thin. That basement gang which included GKS, TCC, SR and the rest. LKY was the first amongst equals but he allowed after his memoirs came out the role of SR GKS to be honored in print and with a state funeral. The rest have someone faded into the background including TCC and I would love to hear what the archives have to say once they are opened.
If I would fault the founders for anything , it would be leaving the scene and allowing LKY to perpetuate his dominance unchecked which has given rise to the PAP of today. They all fell out, but they fell out quietly and behind the scenes and took their secrets to their graves. DN could have said a lot unchecked from Canada, but alas he was less forthcoming then wiki leaks six years after his death, ditto for TCC GKS and RJ and so I hope the archives will have more