I am extremely sad over the loss of such young lives. Just dunno what to say. I just think of the poor parents.
Mere words cannot describe the pain in my heart to see such innocent kids being rammed by drivers of monstrous trucks.
Anyway, isn't it the responsibility of all drivers to use their brains and slow down anywhere where there are kids riding two-wheelers, like close to schools. Even truly 3rd World nations like Indonesia has such rules close to schools where the roads are painted red.
Back in the 50's and late 60's there were special lanes reserved for cyclists. I am sure many old-timers would remember Macpherson Road.
In those days, the road planners had the safety of cyclists in their minds. Why not today when so many cyclists are on the roads? I wish to ask TP, LTA , what have you people to say? Get your priorities right, instead of only using your services for VIP escorts and making money out of summones from drivers of vehicles caught in bus-lanes, respectively.
When the PCR (Pedestrian Crossing Rules) were introduced in the late 70's, NS policemen used to be stationed at such crossings. Why not today?
What is the Education Dept of the Traffic Police doing? Can't they send their officers to give talks to students about such dangers and flash such gory pictures so as to ensure that it get into the young minds of the students. I remember police officers doing it (talk on dangers of joining secret-societies) and these officers even showed photos of murdered gangsters to students. Gory pics but surely sent message across...
Just so sad for the families. Hello, Traffic Police please revert to your old duties which you have conveniently "out-sourced to LTA marshalls, Cisco, etc...
Don't let another young life be snuffed out.