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GREEDY is you @houri entitled Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT





GREEDY is you @Houri entitled Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT so greedy so entitled to take handouts get rebates AND make excessive BTO profits paid by ME taxpayer paying high property tax. Pui!​




GREEDY is you @Houri entitled Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT so greedy so entitled to take handouts get rebates AND make excessive BTO profits paid by ME taxpayer paying high property tax. Pui!​

EVERYTHING THAT YOU @Houri accused and persecuted me is proven what you and your cheap women are from 小三 to dirty slut to sell nude sell cb chicken to coward to truth hurts guilty as charged to greedy. 真够贱广东狗!