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[Gpgt] The most good looking family in Singapore!!!

Singapore Dancing Spirit

This Singh is a false preacher and I do not spend time to waste my time listening to him.

Why he is a false teacher?
He is a GAY himself and does not follow Jesus or His teachings as per Bible. Jesus said to his disciples, "Freely ye have received, freely give" (Mathew 10:8).
Does anyone preach for free in Churches?? None. Singh is greedy as he is NOT preaching for free as he demands money and collects huge money as offerings in the Church from Singaporeans and she is spending that for his BOTOX, other personal lifestyle. Bibe says

NOT ONLY JOSEPH PRINCE (son of the prince of the air) but also every PREACHER in any part the world they are deadly wrong
Let me refute them all as they accept $$$ tithes, offerings, they are false as they are prohibited in Bible

in N.T after crucifixion of Jesus


"Buy one! Get one free!" Such advertisements make thousands rush into shops. Hardly anyone takes seriously or understands the divine offer: "*Salvation free!"* Is it because we have not made the simple plan of God's great salvation clear to people?

Christian discipleship started with Jesus himself as He was the tutor/teacher to his disciples...

Jesus trained his disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils with one condition. What was the condition --> Freely ye have received, freely give" (Mathew 10:8). Jesus did NOT say you do this if they give you 10% of their wealth! JESUS SAID IT LOUD AND CLEAR, IT IS FREE, DO NOT TAG A PRICE!!

Peter was challenged and when Simon, the sorcerer (satanic follower) saw the power of Holy Spirit (Spirit Baptism) whenever Peter simply laying his hands on someone.

Simon the satanic follower was surprised to see this that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given. Simon, immediately offered Apostle's money to give him Spirit

Simon willing to offer money for Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is God. Can anyone sell out Holy Spirit?? Take for an instance, what if Peter accepted a RANSOM, will Simon, take control of the Holy Spirit?? No.... Satan will still play a major role in Simon’s sorcery. Even if Peter accepted the money, Holy Spirit would not reveal Peter was wrong until the day of judgement. However today all Christian ministries are all SOLD OUT. I am vehemently refuting all pastors (bastards) all over the world.

Simon Peter knew this like me who rebuked Simon, the sorcerer. I understand Peter was a poor fisherman but do not have work now, but he can accept this money for his personal expenditures. But Simon Peter did not accept this offer. He sees the power of wickedness of wanting to buy the Spirit for personal gain. (Acts 8:18-20)
But Peter understands the temptation comes from devil through Simon because Peter has the gift of discernment of spirits.

Peter was so angry and furious on Simon as he said unto Simon, "*Your money perish with you, because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money"*

Paul never took money from any Church, but he had to work with his hands to make money for his own food and other everyday supplies

Question: Why did Paul have to work as a tent-maker all through his life?
See my Answer
: http://ebible.com/answers/22845?ori=317107
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

I would be willing to pay a Princely sum for that milf.
But she is free as he may not sleep with her.

This Prince is a HARD-CORE GAY sleeping with so many young boys around. He would take these boys to Holy Land (similar to Islamic mecca pilgrimage) tour to spend the time in gay sex. He usually takes the boy whom he had crush then sexploit them in the privacy of the hotel room. Nobody has ever suspected of him so far. Bur i believe victims would come forward sooner or later.

I knew this 10 years ago. But the TRUTH will come out slowly sooner as I am 100% spiritual.
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Old Fart
But she is free as he may not sleep with her.

This Prince is a HARD-CORE GAY sleeping with so many young boys around. He would take these boys to Holy Land (similar to Islamic mecca pilgrimage) tour to spend the time in gay sex. He spent with the boys the wanted and then sexploit them. Nobody has ever suspected of him so far. Bur i believe victims would come forward sooner or later.

I knew this 10 years ago. But the TRUTH will come out slowly sooner as I am 100% spiritual.
Oh wow, free is better! Then I use the money to pay for the daughter.:biggrin:

Waiting for your exposé of his homo-ness.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


There was a smoke as it was leaked in some of the forums in SG as some were discussing why Prince was so favorable to some boys in the Church politics. I even came across some names were spelled out as if they were his companions.

Later those forums were suppressed or closed as to not to discuss further on those topics. His topic was forgotten when China Wine and Hong Kee took the world stage of 50 million dollar spent on third rated pop music. She openly slept with black guys in USA every day during her film shootings when Hong Kee was in SG.

THERE IS NO PASTOR in Singapore or anywhere in the world who is destined to go to heaven as all are serving money NOT God. No wonder they hold hands with LHL to support repealing 377A.

We will bid farewell to all FASLE MIISTERS FROM Pope to Joseph Prince when their master Satan is gone.
Jesus or Apostles in the first century never took any offerings. If yes i would challenge u to show it to me.

Jesus said give money to the poor indeed.
NOT to pastors who are bastards

But again, do not donate money to any charity organizations as they are living on that money too.
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

Why is Mrs Joseph Prince is better looking than her daughter of her??

Satan asked me why Prince is looking so younger despite the fact that he would prefer to wear teenagers' clothing's even to Church. I have asked him why he is telling the whole Church that his family is younger looking because of God's miracle. Because I knew some facts they are under cosmetic treatments.

The secret of Joseph Princes family looking younger is NOT because of God's miracle but because of cosmetic treatment from the money he looted from innocent Singaporeans who are donating every week/ Don't be fooled, God's miracle of looking younger will be different as I will demonstrate it when i remove the devil from earth. I had seen myself looking so younger as my body was refreshed, rejuvenated with the tender looking skin and body. Similar to the day when devil forced me to have sex with him at age 16. I will demonstrate it to you on that day to you.

I found out that both his wife and him on regular expensive BOTOX treatments which are generally very expensive for an ordinary Singaporeans, there are Botox injections, fillers, CoolSculpting, Plastic surgery such as blepharoplasty and Lazer treatments to look younger and feel better. Some of these may be covered by insurance, while others are considered cosmetic. Only Rich considers them to take advantage of it. But God's miracle is bringing back your younger days once again. You will look and behave like a teenager with the same strength and stamina. It is free. no need to fork out millions of dollars in bills.

Botox treatments and injections block certain chemical signals from nerves, mostly signals that cause muscles to contract. The most common use of these injections is to temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes. Botox injections and other treatments are also used to treat conditions that affect how the body functions.

Such treatments are not just an injection as you may think, there're are several treatments for the underlying facts. Such treatments usually begin working one to three days after treatment. Depending on the problem being treated, the effect may last three months or longer. To maintain the effect, you'll need regular follow-up injections. Meaning it is a lifelong thing. Once the treatment is stopped, they look older than their age though.

Examples include:
  • Cervical dystonia. In this painful condition, your neck muscles contract involuntarily causing your head to twist or turn into an uncomfortable position.
  • Lazy eye. The most common cause of lazy eye is an imbalance in the muscles responsible for positioning the eye.
  • Muscle contractures. Some neurological conditions, such as cerebral palsy, can cause your limbs to pull in toward your center. In some cases, these contracted muscles can be relaxed with Botox injections.
  • Hyperhidrosis. In this condition, excessive sweating occurs even when the temperature isn't hot and you're not exerting yourself.
  • Chronic migraine. If you experience migraines more than 15 days a month, Botox injections may help reduce headache frequency.
  • Bladder dysfunction. Botox injections can also help reduce urinary incontinence caused by an overactive bladder.
  • Eye twitching. Botox injections may help relieve contracture or twitching of muscles around the eye.
Just to name a few.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Paul never took money from any Church, but he had to work with his hands to make money for his own food and other everyday supplies

Is that why moslems hate Paul so much? Those same moslems revere moslems who robbed other people for their money, food and women. Good examples are mahomet, mahmud of ghazni, the ottomans, the delhi sultanates, and even our muud sultanates in their raids against the orang asli people.

He is a GAY himself and does not follow Jesus or His teachings as per Bible. Jesus said to his disciples, "Freely ye have received, freely give" (Mathew 10:8).

Really? Prince is a faggot?

I found out that both his wife and him on regular expensive BOTOX treatments which are generally very expensive for an ordinary Singaporeans, there are Botox injections, fillers, CoolSculpting, Plastic surgery such as blepharoplasty and Lazer treatments to look younger and feel better. Some of these may be covered by insurance, while others are considered cosmetic. Only Rich considers them to take advantage of it. But God's miracle is bringing back your younger days once again. You will look and behave like a teenager with the same strength and stamina. It is free. no need to fork out millions of dollars in bills.

My wife and I look younger than we actually are. For us, we eat healthy and exercise regularly. I do a fair bit of push ups and pull ups, so my body muscle is maintained despite my age. I recommend that old farts here try push ups, a couple at a time to slowly build up their strength. Eat more fruits and supplements that increase metabolism, cheap stuff that you can get off the shelf in a mall supplement shop.

This Prince is a HARD-CORE GAY sleeping with so many young boys around. He would take these boys to Holy Land (similar to Islamic mecca pilgrimage) tour to spend the time in gay sex. He usually takes the boy whom he had crush then sexploit them in the privacy of the hotel room. Nobody has ever suspected of him so far. Bur i believe victims would come forward sooner or later.

Can't wait for hard evidence of this.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh wow, free is better! Then I use the money to pay for the daughter.:biggrin:

Waiting for your exposé of his homo-ness.

Once I went to the Sistic outlet at Star Vista to collect some tickets, the entrance to the Prince's megachurch was nearby and they had some event/service that was about to start.

Two columns of youths lined the path leading to the entrance, I presume them to be ushers. I accidentally(?) wandered near the entrance and a youth stopped me, asked me if I had my 'wristband'. I presume the wristbands were meant for the attendees, and I thought those wristbands looked very gay, very bright and neon colors. :biggrin:


Another happy family hiding behind the banner of "God" and living the good life with the $$ of dumb sinkees...



My wife and I look younger than we actually are. For us, we eat healthy and exercise regularly. I do a fair bit of push ups and pull ups, so my body muscle is maintained despite my age. I recommend that old farts here try push ups, a couple at a time to slowly build up their strength. Eat more fruits and supplements that increase metabolism, cheap stuff that you can get off the shelf in a mall supplement shop.
I thought your main exercise was carrying dumbbells ? I mean PAP Ministers' ones. :geek:

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Once I went to the Sistic outlet at Star Vista to collect some tickets, the entrance to the Prince's megachurch was nearby and they had some event/service that was about to start.

Two columns of youths lined the path leading to the entrance, I presume them to be ushers. I accidentally(?) wandered near the entrance and a youth stopped me, asked me if I had my 'wristband'. I presume the wristbands were meant for the attendees, and I thought those wristbands looked very gay, very bright and neon colors. :biggrin:

It is a gay club as u may call as they are there to socialize on Sundays. All mega Churches in Singapore are avenue for dating, sex and fixing the next sex-date etc.
Then they exchange social media with them to be connected until ONS competed

Some smart one goes extra mile to befriend Singh to sleep to be a youth leader there. But it is norm that such leaders make sure the secret is well protected within



THERE IS NO PASTOR in Singapore or anywhere in the world who is destined to go to heaven as all are serving money NOT God. No wonder they hold hands with LHL to support repealing 377A.

We will bid farewell to Pope to Joseph Prince when their master Lion is gone.
Jesus or Apostles in the first century never took any offerings. If yes i would challenge u to show it to me.

Jesus said give money to the poor indeed.
NOT to pastors who are bastards

But again, do not donate money to any charity organizations as they are living on that money too.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Bible says, And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

We are dealing with Satan in every religion. Satan inspires his ministers to imitate Christianity and even to do miracles (Mt. 24:24; 2Th. 2:8-12 Rev. 13; 16:13-16; 19:20). Where are his ministers who are transformed as ministers of righteousness? Would they be in the churches or outside of them? 2 Corinthians 11:14

These miracles are called counterfeit miracles. Miracles with errors.

  1. ≋ They hold secret things of shame (2Cor. 4:2).
  2. ≋ They walk in craftiness (2Cor. 4:2).
  3. ≋ They handle Word deceitfully (2Cor. 4:2).
  4. ≋ They walk and war after the flesh (2Cor. 10:3).
  5. ≋ They look on outward appearance (2Cor. 10:7; cp. 1Sam. 16:7; Mt. 23:27-28).
  6. ≋ They commend selves (2Cor. 10:12).
  7. ≋ They compare selves to others (2Cor. 10:12).
  8. ≋ They prey on works of others (2Cor. 10:15-16).
  9. ≋ They are greedy of income (2Cor. 11:7-12).
  10. ≋ They are false; they seek the highest offices (2Cor. 11:13).
  11. ≋ They are deceitful workers (2Cor. 11:13).
  12. ≋ They try to counterfeit apostleship (2Cor. 11:13). ≋ They pose as righteous ministers (2Cor. 11:15).
  13. ≋ They seek occasion to glory (2Cor. 11:12).
  14. ≋ They are boastful and self-exalting (2Cor. 11:18).
  15. ≋ They are destitute of apostolic signs (2Cor. 12:12).
  16. ≋ They lead people away from God (Dt. 13:1-5).
  17. ≋ They speak presumptuously (Dt. 18:20).
  18. ≋ They propagate errors (Prov. 19:27; Isa. 3:12; Jer. 23:32).
  19. ≋ They have no sense of righteousness (Isa. 5:20; Jer. 11; Jer 14; Jer. 32).
  20. ≋ They are destitute of light (Isa. 8:19-20).
  21. ≋ They teach lies (Isa. 9:14-16).
  22. ≋ They live like sinners (Isa. 28:7).
  23. ≋ They are ignorant of spiritual things (Isa. 29:10-11; 56:10-12 Jer. 2:8; Hos. 4:6).
  24. ≋ They compromise truth (Isa. 30:10).
  25. ≋ They are greedy and lazy (Isa. 56:10-12).
  26. ≋ They deal falsely (Jer. 6:13; Ezek. 22:27).
  27. ≋ They do not pray (Jer. 10:21).
  28. ≋ They destroy and scatter (Jer. 12:10; 23:1).
  29. ≋ They preach lies (Jer. 14:13-16).
  30. ≋ They commit adultery (Jer. 23:14).
  31. ≋ They encourage sin (Jer. 23:14; Ezek. 13:22).
  32. ≋ They are deceitful (Jer. 48:10; Ezek. 13:10; Rom. 16:18; Eph. 4:14; Col. 2:4-8 2Tim. 3:6-13).
  33. ≋ They are sinful (Ezek. 22:25-28).
  34. ≋ They are liars (Jer. 23:14; Ezek. 13:19-22).
  35. ≋ They are selfish (Ezek. 34:2-3).
  36. ≋ They are unfaithful (Ezek. 34:4-10).
  37. ≋ They are covetous (Mic. 3:11).
  38. ≋ They teach doctrines of man (Mt. 15:9).
  39. ≋ They work iniquity (Mt. 7:15-23).
  40. ≋ They are blind (Mt. 15:14).
  41. ≋ They cause divisions (Rom. 16:17; 1Cor. 11:18; Php. 1:15-16).
  42. ≋ They corrupt truth (2Cor. 2:17).
  43. ≋ They teach docrines of devils (1Tim. 4).
  44. ≋ They have a seared conscience (1Tim. 4:2).
  45. ≋ They are proud and perverse (1Tim. 6:3-21 2Tim. 2:14-18 Tit. 1:10-14).
  46. ≋ They teach damnable heresies (2Pet. 2:1; 2Jn. 1:7-11).
  47. ≋ They deny Christ (2Pet. 2:1; 1Jn. 4:1-6).
  48. ≋ They are consecrated to destroy the Christian faith (2Pet. 2:1-19 Jude 1:4-11).
  49. ≋ They are hypocrites (Mt. 7:15; 23:1-33 Lk. 11:35).

► Paul's very first instruction to his second-liner Timothy was, "Charge them not to teach any other doctrine" (1 Tim 1:3). Thank you for helping to expose the FALSE teachers to the community

The different spirits can operate through any of the ministers of the New Testament Church (Eph 4:11).

Paul's language as he referred to these false ministers as:
✿ "Deceitful workers" (2 Cor 11:13)
✿ "Troublemakers" (Gal 1:7)
✿ "False brothers" (2:4)
✿ "Witches" (3:1)
✿ "Dogs, evil workers" (Phil 3:2)
✿ "Enemies of the Cross" (3:18)
✿ "Deceivers, cheats" (Col 2:4,8)
✿ "Frauds" (2:18
✿ "Liars" (1 Tim 4:2)
✿ "Proud men" (6:4)
✿ "Corrupt men" (6:5)
✿ "Vain babblers" (2 Tim 2:16)
✿ "Cankers" (2:17)
✿ "Captives of the devil" (2:26)
✿ "Imposters and evil men" (3:13)
✿ "Idle talkers" (Tit 1:10)
✿ "Subverters" (1:11)
✿ "Divisive men, heretics" (3:10).

Beware and be aware

Singapore Dancing Spirit


I have always wondered if this Pastor Lawrence from New Creation Church is gay. He certainly looks like one to me.

They may be very Charismatic and sound like they are real.
But they are dealing with DEVIL in the spiritual realm who is in error posing as God. They can sing beautiful song but in vain.
There are more Christians in South Korea than Singapore, bit there is NO TRUE pastor there also because of FALSE spirituality

Their spirituality is FALSE as they are not communicating to GOD though Holy Spirit
But they communicate to SATAN only

Check if he draws any salary from Church and if he is living with Church offering and Fund. If so, is serving devil not God
There should not be any money collected in the Church

Bible says NO man can serve 2 masters - GOD and the money at the same time
Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

No man can serve two masters] Stating an utter impossibility.
To hate the one - To hate here is an idiom of preference (Lk. 14:26). If men prefer sin and Satan to God, then they are of the devil (1Jn. 3:8) and will be sent to hell with him (Mt. 25:41).
Ye cannot serve God and mammon - The second time this impossibility is stated in this verse.
mammon means bribes as Riches or money or materials (see Lk. 16:9-13). Matthew 6:24
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Singapore Dancing Spirit


Please READ ACTS 5

Why did Ananias and Sapphira die at the feet of Apostle Peter??
Why do the similar execution of God's judgements on Ananias and Sapphira are not happening these days?

Here are the answers.

But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,
And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles' feet. Acts 5:1-2

Please note very carefully, Peter learnt from Jesus that He should not collect any money. But Jews brought money to Apostles to help the widows and poor or to send the funds to help the victims of disasters or famine for the new Christians. That is why Ananias, with Sapphira brought and kept is under Peter's feet. Peter did not collect the money by his hands as many pastors do today/ That is wrong disobeying Mat 10:8.

✿ Jewish names Ananias and Sapphira mean grace and beauty, but their names do not fit their conduct. They were disciples of Christ and members of the apostolic church of which no man would belong unless he had a real experience of salvation. This we have to conclude because the church was hated and persecuted (Acts 4:1-4,17; 5:13,17-18,27-42; 8:1; etc.). It was also repeatedly stated that all were of "one accord" and one mind who did belong to the church (Acts 1:14; 2:1,46).

✿ However Peter discerned that Satan filled their heart as it caused them to hold back part of the price and so lie to the Holy Ghost who is also called "God" in Acts 5:4. Remember Peter asked them to again to clarify and confirm as Peter already knew the TRUTH through Holy Spirit. That is called the gift of wisdom and Knowldge.
The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is just as much God as is the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter judged that they conceived this thing in their heart. This implies careful and planned deception, not a sudden act (Jas. 1:13-15). It is a premediated LIE.

✿ Both Ananias and Sapphira fell down straightway at his feet immediately Peter judged them for they deceived Holy Spirit. It is called righteous judgement with the gift of Holy Spirit. We are reading about "executing judgment" by the power of Holy Spirit on wicked people on this earth (Acts 5:1-12; 13:6-12 1Cor. 4:18-21; 5:4-5).
Preachers need this power of "executing judgment" to do the Church ministry but there is none. That is why I am going to demonstrate the authoruty of GOD for everyone to see.

We need TRUE followers of Christ who are baptized by the Spirit to execute such judgements in our Churches!
God is willing but are you ready???

Baptism in Spirit is not same as Baptism by water. Only those baptized by Spirit can do ministries but today all preachers are bastards do ministries without authority from Heavan., I have already received the authority and, but I am the only one who grew to the level to exercise as it took 50 years
  • Jesus spent 30 years before He started His ministry. That waiting period is more crucial before to do anything. Jesus recieve His Spirit Baptism when he came out from Jordan water. God Himself spoke vocally to the people that He is my beloved Son.
  • All disciples of Jesus spent about 3.5 years leaning gifts, but Peter raised a impotent man who was born crippled in Acts 3 only after reciving the Spirit Baptism in Acts 2nd Chapter.
  • Peter exercised the judgement of God on Ananias and Sapphira only after Spirit baptism. Beware. Today I knew no one has ever received the Spirit Baptism in any church today.
  • Jesus said, "In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues" The source of this Spiritual power. "In His name" expresses the full power of attorney. If one fully uses this power, he will do the works of Christ (Jn. 14:12-15; 15:16; Acts 1:8). Jn. 16:23-26.
  • When I exercise the Spiritual authority, it is similar to the Power of Attorney of Jesus. in SG. This similar to POA in the Court of law. If you hold POA for someone, you can exercise all the powers of the someone in the legal system. Under Divine law, when I say or utter something, I will be exercising the POA that I received from Heaven
  • Then you may understand what POA mean when I ask the Lion and Dragon to leave
Power of Attorney for Christ Jesus

Only Authentic Authority from Heaven at the moment and the rest all counterfeit authority from devil
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