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[Gpgt] The most good looking family in Singapore!!!


Father tall, wife milfy, daughter chiobu, son is shuaige to-be (now cute boy)

God really bless this family!



my Kakis prefer to call him affectionately as Singh during NS Navy stints together .

at school he prefers the name Jega .

Until the Good Lord called him into Ministry .

May the Good Lord continue to bless bro Prince and Family abundantly . Amen !

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Was a nobody fixing computers and selling spare parts before he found out that milkiing money out of dumb sinkies thru the "pay-your-way-to-heaven" scheme was a more lucrative way to make money. In true bayi style, he talked and talked his way to the hearts and minds of sinkies and the rest is history...

A real Sinkeepoo dream story in the tradition of the former jailbird kong hee fatt choy.


Was a nobody fixing computers and selling spare parts before he found out that milkiing money out of dumb sinkies thru the "pay-your-way-to-heaven" scheme was a more lucrative way to make money. In true bayi style, he talked and talked his way to the hearts and minds of sinkies and the rest is history...

A real Sinkeepoo dream story in the tradition of the former jailbird kong hee fatt choy.

To be fair, he was made famous by USA, his books on amazon bought by americans, his broadcast watch by Americans and he get sponsorship from Americans


To be fair, he was made famous by USA, his books on amazon bought by americans, his broadcast watch by Americans and he get sponsorship from Americans
To be even fairer, anyone with the gift of the gab spewing messages from "God" will do well anywhere. There is a huge market of gullible people ready to be exploited.

This bayi is one smart guy. He knew early on that being born with a name like Jegahusiee Singh won't endear himself to sinkees, so he changed it to a more heavenly sounding Joseph Prince.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why ain’t no CPIB file on him ? If that Kong guy can be swindling millions this guy ain’t far behind. Is he shielded by some MPs ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why ain’t no CPIB file on him ? If that Kong guy can be swindling millions this guy ain’t far behind. Is he shielded by some MPs ?

It's not swindling if the people genuinely believe in his products and services. :biggrin:

Also, CPIB only deals with the taxpayer-funded civil serpent jiakliaobees, they have no power over the private sector. :wink:


Why ain’t no CPIB file on him ? If that Kong guy can be swindling millions this guy ain’t far behind. Is he shielded by some MPs ?
Should be CCD.

However, Bayi Prince cannot prove the existence God. CCD also cannot prove the non-existence of God. So no case lah ! :rolleyes:


For a moment from the photo above, I thought the daughter is the wife..
Daughter has the milfey looks from 1st impression..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Where in our in-house "pathologist", @Charlie99 ? Please comment on their features :rolleyes:
Belated Merry Christmas.
I am flattered, but since you asked, I would say that none of them is considered good looking.
The gentleman is just tall and strong, but not handsome.
The lady is above average, at best.
Their daughter is ugly with small eyes.
Their son is average, with small eyes.


Was a nobody fixing computers and selling spare parts before he found out that milkiing money out of dumb sinkies thru the "pay-your-way-to-heaven" scheme was a more lucrative way to make money. In true bayi style, he talked and talked his way to the hearts and minds of sinkies and the rest is history...

A real Sinkeepoo dream story in the tradition of the former jailbird kong hee fatt choy.
More insidious than Kong H, and his wife is alot more intelligent than the horse. If you know your hubby is selling fluff, the least you could do to help his cause is not go round the estate half naked
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