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[GPGT] Pan LingLing and her bah zhang....


Alfrescian (Inf)
She used to have nice big titties, but very unfortunate she had breast cancer.

Many years ago, saw her at Sembawang shopping centre. I'm ashamed to say my erection was quite obvious.

View attachment 113730
In the 80s, they used to stay in Bishan St 12. 5 room flat if not mistaken.


Since this thread is resumed after being closed by misbehaving moderator screwball - as confirmed by @jw5 - i should move my replies in my thread back to here to have complete picture indeed


Your cheebye will have cancer, cut off your whole cheebye.
i got family history of cancer, my father got stomach cancer and lymphoma, my uncle got lung cancer, etc. So getting cancer is not unexpected for me and nothing orbigood while PLL made sexual harassment of woman and threw a woman under the bus using sex to make vicious attacks of woman is certainly obigood to get breast cancer and chop off her breasts.


Ginfreely should have her throat slit, hang upside down, drain her blood and fuck her cheebye cold. Fucking Whore Very Kind Lady. Phua cheebye,such a nice pair of PLL tits polluted by Very Kind Lady this CCB! Fuck you die.
Nope I am not pollluting the thread. Just like Boss Sam I am presenting both sides of whether someone is a slut or not.


You just jealous becos she so much prettier than you.
So much more sexy than you.

And a lot sweeter than you.

Whereas you offer for free and yet no one cuming to you.
And you need to work hard with a bitter gourd to korak yourself silly
Nope I am not jealous of her beauty. I am 0.01% Singaporean women never jealous of other women beauty and that’s why I was good friend with a beautiful ex colleague.


Thanks to @jw5 For pointing out karchng bin vs bin karchng now My uncle think @ginfreely should have a bin karchng I.e a karchng that leesemble a bin KNN no wonder she always leeceived whistling from the back KNN
Nope that has nothing to do with
me but usual lowly lowlife attics of you evil filthy criminal bully bastards hiding behind or in unit or in crowds.


Nope I am not jealous of her beauty. I am 0.01% Singaporean women never jealous of other women beauty and that’s why I was good friend with a beautiful ex colleague.
KNN my uncle know bui jibyes like to be bff with beautiful girls becas they think they can have more opportunities to suck cocks KNN also the beautiful girl usuallee also want a bui jibye as bff becas this can further enhance her beauty KNN win win for both KNN


KNN my uncle know bui jibyes like to be bff with beautiful girls becas they think they can have more opportunities to suck cocks KNN also the beautiful girl usuallee also want a bui jibye as bff becas this can further enhance her beauty KNN win win for both KNN
Who knows? Maybe she thinks that way but not me ok?


Based on your track leecord of lying you think people will believe ? :cool:
As usual you liar sons of whores are talking about youself with track record of lying caught by me whereas I am accused a liar by you malicious despicable snakes based on your shameless twisting Cantonese prostitute descendant no moral antics. Pui!