The issue of cadre membership is a sensitive and tricky one. Only cadre members are allowed to vote during the Ordinary Party Congress (OPC) to elect the CEC members every two years. Thus cadres must be trusted and tested members so to ensure that they will not end up with infighting later on. However, most of the time the appointment of cadre membership in most of the parties in Singapore is opaque and the powers lie on the CEC, particularly the SG or Chairman/President only. This will result in the possibility of entrenchment and monopoly of power in the long run.
Goh Meng Seng"
Mr Goh Meng Seng Sir, you read downstair then yuo know why. Low very scare Indain and Malay cadre in WP. He no Malay poeple and Indian poeple no like him and no sapport him. Wait got Chinese poeple liek Dr Poh Sir or Chen Shao Mao Sir fight him, teh Indian and Malay poeple can become kingmaker in WP and PAP will very angry with Low Tia Kiang if he lose WP SG post.
"The Animal Farm That Is WP
Four legs good....that's how WP ran under Low Thia Khiang when he took over WP after being prodded to do so by a PAP emisssary in March 1998.
After 11 years as Secretary-General and 21 years with his snout in the PAP trough and millions of dollars in the bank, Low has now wholeheartedly embraced the PAP's philosophy that whilst standing on four legs is good, standing on two is way better.
It is a party of three, Sylvia and him and his sponsor, the PAP. The rest of the WP members are rubber stampers. Anyone who wants to move up the WP ladder must fulfill three criteria.
One, kowtow to Low.
Two, be Low's personal rubber stamp.
Three, not be a threat, present and future, to Low.
Fulfill these criteria and he will bequeath upon you his blessings. Yaw Shin Leong was one such beneficiary. Even though he denies it, Low was well aware of Yaw's philandering ways but neverthless, chose to reward Yaw over other party members for his loyalty. Loyalty not to the party but to Low. Also, as an incorrigible philanderer himself, Low lacks the moral authority to stop his party members from doing likewise.
To Low, his position as SG is God's gift to him. As such, it cannot be taken away from him. After all, the God that gifted him this seat is a very powerful God, the PAP.
Those Low saw as a threat, present and future, were undermined and sidelined. Dr Poh Lee Guan is one such person.
Those he saw with the potential to eclipse him are quietly undermined, quietly sidelined and forced to adopt a low media profile. Chen Show Mao is one such person.
Low treats people as he would, tissue. To be made used off and discarded when no longer required.
Low's racism and racial chauvinism is well known amongst party members. For reasons best known to himself, he has a particular distaste for Indians and Malays. He takes a neutral view towards Eurasians.
The truth about who Low really is will continue to emerge. It will culminate in a final revelation about Low which will show Singaporeans how they have been taken on a very,very long ride by the PAP and their appointed millionaire stooge, Mr Low Thia Khiang."