Tongkat Ali has been around as long as Ginseng...... surely your parents or grandparents would have known about them
Got alot of old fashion remedies out there & I'm not sure my parents would have heard of tongkat ali It is after all a traditional Malay remedy.
Please be careful with the commercialised products........ you dun know what they do during the production process and the beneficial aspects of the root might be diluted or lost..... and they are too expensive !!
Thats why I haven't tried before. Don't know which brand is effective. Have you heard of the Rainforest brand? I saw iit being sold in the shops in JB
The natural unprocessed tongkat ali root is a healer...... your HBP should return to normal after cosuming regularly
Must be careful because I read somewhere that supplements like ginseng acts as a stimulant which increases blood pressure. The US books I've read do not cover Tongkat Ali.