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Going bald?


hope your heart's better!

am a strong proponent of supplements - at least a multi-vit, anti-oxidant, and cod liver oil. also, a daily intake of manuka honey (umf 16+ or umf 20+) helps in healing :smile:

juz beach

Yes, sleep is very important but how many of us can get 8 hours of it? I'm having problems getting enough sleep because of "worries" :(

How old are you? You'll start seeing problem in your 40's. The major problems are type II diabetes, heart & cancer. Heart problems is caused by lead, trans fats. etc. Even seemingly healthy people can drop dead from heart failures. Don't forget about hyper tension. If you survive, expect to have eye problems. I sometimes follow my mother to GH, & I see alot of old people with eye problems. :(

Even if you go for regular checkups, if they detect a cancer its too late. Only medical treatments such as chemo therapy is damn siong.

More studies are showing that supplements do prevent illneses e.g. lycopene(from tomatoe) prevents prostrate cancer. Antioxidant prevent inflamation of the heart etc. So if you think you don't need supplents, better go read up more. Don't be another statistic like me :(

angie II

Alfrescian (Inf)
The 1K USD is for a couple of months supply. I'm taking 20+ products per day. At iHerb there are further discounts on some products if you buy quantities of 3 or more.

Its nowdays difficult to eat properly because the intensive farming practises have resulted in less nutrittious foods. They are using the same piece of land again & again. They are also using genetic modified crops which may be a problem. The meats are tainted with hormones & chemicals. We need supplements to makeup for the deficit & counter the pollutants.

If you can afford it eat organic foods. In Malaysia they seem to be ahead with more organic foods at the supermarkets. In Spore the choice is pathetic & of course expensive.

Everyone should be taking Omega 3 & antioxidants. Just make sure to take a wide range of antioxidants. There are single products which provide multi-antioxidants. Take a look at "Jarrows Antioxidant Optimizer" at iHerb which contains Vit C, lutein, lycopene, grape seed, green tea, etc

Another essential is Vit E(tocopherols & tocotrienol) such as Carlsons E-Gems Elite(400IU) which is much cheaper than the GNC product which cost a ridiculous $120+. Also consider taking CoQ10, take at least 100mg per day. All available at iHerb & nice thing about the iHerb site is that they list all the ingredients

Add a good multi-vitamin to the list. If you can, consider adding "colloidal minerals"(from plant) for those trace elements. It only comes in liquid form. I take TRC Nutritional Lab Colloidal minerals, only US$10

I'm also taking added things like Spirulina, Chlorella, Goji, L-Arginine, Carnitin, Lipoic Acid, Garlic. phosphatidyl, D-ribose, resveratrol, etc & even trying out a natural toothpaste. I am doing so because of specific heart health problems I'm trying to rectify. Not all the stuff I'm taking is available in Spore & paying $40 on shipping is a reasonable cost for the LARGE box I received.

Many don't think about one's health until we start feeling old or ill. Its damn expensive to be ill in Spore. Prevention is cheaper:rolleyes:

Nice FR :rolleyes:


Organic foods are also commercial products :smile:

I have gone to the wet market & seen organic beef being sold for $20+. I can only afford the organic vegetable that go into my vegetable soup. Also face time constrains so only have 1 home cook meal per day. For breakfast I have oats with rasins, lunch is vegetable soup, dinner is a sandwich with brown bread.

Heard that the best diets is Macrobiotics, will look further into it when I have more time. :rolleyes:

hi john, organic food r not commerical, they r ex due to the work they produce. commerical meat? don't waste money on that, anyway i m a vegan(vegetarian no diary product). u r 40plus? still very young. notice now's a day people suffer illness in yoing age, i had quite a number of friends alread had cancer, something is wrong. beside our diet( we taken too much high refine food), enviromment polluted, high stress r the main culprit! ya john u r right in one thing, doc sucks! they don't wish u to recver first , if yes they got no business. mainstream mecdicial had already encounter big problem and face challenge from alterative such as TMC , nature healing etc. another thing would like to remind bro n sisters the deadly of high refine food is not just only provide insufficient nutrients but also depeat the exsist nutrient in our body. just look around the people around u and notice their diet n health state, u will get the answer. exercise is one of the key factor to good health .


Alfrescian (Inf)
hi john, organic food r not commerical, they r ex due to the work they produce. commerical meat? don't waste money on that, anyway i m a vegan(vegetarian no diary product). u r 40plus? still very young. notice now's a day people suffer illness in yoing age, i had quite a number of friends alread had cancer, something is wrong. beside our diet( we taken too much high refine food), enviromment polluted, high stress r the main culprit! ya john u r right in one thing, doc sucks! they don't wish u to recver first .

My mother who's in her 80's is a vegetarian. She does take supplements, as a vegetarian its hard to get all the necessary nutrients you need from non-meat souces.

Specialist in Spore have it very $$$ good. They have their patients come in on a regular basis :smile: I stopped going to the cardiologists when it was obvious he didn't have a solution except for surgery, more test, & the same expensive medicines.

Supplements are in my opinion the cheapest way to counter the pollutants & dietary deficency. If you get the chance read "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers M.D. She goes into the toxins in the environment that cause diseases & the steps to detoxify. Based on her advise I bought an infra sauna to help with detoxificarion.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The resveratrol u get also prevents u from getting drunk since imagine u need to drink 200 glasses of red wine. :biggrin:

Anyway i wonder how humans managed to survive till today? Everyone must have been unhealthy. :rolleyes:

Few ppl take as many supplements as you man. Even those with money won't want to be swallowing pills all day.

Its true. We are leving in a very unhealthy environment. In those days, my father used to walk or cycle to work. These days people tend to take a bus or worst drive even if the destination is about 5 minutes walk away and many of these guys these days are sort of "allergic" to excerises. Some of the contractors I knew of in my ex company always tend to take their customers out for very rich food and drinks are always a must when with them. Its no wonder that High blood pressure, diabetes, kidney and live failure are getting very common these days.

That's true but guys isn't it true that the later generations of ppl live longer than the earlier generations? Think about this, in our grand parents and great grand parents time there were fewer cars on the rd and they probably lived in kampungs since there were fewer cities around which meant the air was cleaner compared to our parents' time and they walked even longer distances.

I mean maybe we should look at it from another angle?


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's true but guys isn't it true that the later generations of ppl live longer than the earlier generations? Think about this, in our grand parents and great grand parents time there were fewer cars on the rd and they probably lived in kampungs since there were fewer cities around which meant the air was cleaner compared to our parents' time and they walked even longer distances.

I mean maybe we should look at it from another angle?

Problem is too much progress is not so good. Theres thousands of new man made chemicals & substances that are proving to be toxic.

In Spore got many air tight building with man made materials & you have many getting exposed. After years of exposure it causes medical problems. Even our water has chlorine & fluoride?, don't know what else is in it.

Cars are also causing health problems. When I had blood test I found out that I've got high amounts of lead. Over the years the lead accumulated faster than the body can cleanse itself.

Our food has alot of chemicals in it(preservatices, etc). For example the trans fat used by KFC & MacDis responsible for causing arterial blockages

If you want to find out more read the book "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers M.D. The author is an MD & has a medical practise in the US.

Its scary reading :rolleyes:


That's true but guys isn't it true that the later generations of ppl live longer than the earlier generations? Think about this, in our grand parents and great grand parents time there were fewer cars on the rd and they probably lived in kampungs since there were fewer cities around which meant the air was cleaner compared to our parents' time and they walked even longer distances.

I mean maybe we should look at it from another angle?

That could probably because of advance medicines available now as compared to before. There are cures for many sicknesses now as compared to before. Some people do live longer but they are mainly those who look after their health. This is very important especially in first world countries these days where people are blindly pursuing $$$ even at the expense of their health. Some people fail to realize that stress is the major cause of many deaths.


Problem is too much progress is not so good. Theres thousands of new man made chemicals & substances that are proving to be toxic.

In Spore got many air tight building with man made materials & you have many getting exposed. After years of exposure it causes medical problems. Even our water has chlorine & fluoride?, don't know what else is in it.

Cars are also causing health problems. When I had blood test I found out that I've got high amounts of lead. Over the years the lead accumulated faster than the body can cleanse itself.

Our food has alot of chemicals in it(preservatices, etc). For example the trans fat used by KFC & MacDis responsible for causing arterial blockages

If you want to find out more read the book "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers M.D. The author is an MD & has a medical practise in the US.

Its scary reading :rolleyes:

The problem is, people are more concerned with $$$$ rather than the well beings of others. Everything has got chemicals, even vegetables these days. Gone are the good old days in the kampong here everything was fresh. We sued to catch fresh fishes and used to cook them. Don;t be suprised that the fish you buy from the market is contaminated with chemicals. And you'll be suprised. Even anibiotics prescribed by doctors might have long lasting side effects. My grandparents never used to visit a doctor when they got sick and preferred to take Chinese medicines instead.

Fat food should be avoided at all cost and one is better off cooking at home.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Problem is too much progress is not so good. Theres thousands of new man made chemicals & substances that are proving to be toxic.

In Spore got many air tight building with man made materials & you have many getting exposed. After years of exposure it causes medical problems. Even our water has chlorine & fluoride?, don't know what else is in it.

Cars are also causing health problems. When I had blood test I found out that I've got high amounts of lead. Over the years the lead accumulated faster than the body can cleanse itself.

Our food has alot of chemicals in it(preservatices, etc). For example the trans fat used by KFC & MacDis responsible for causing arterial blockages

If you want to find out more read the book "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers M.D. The author is an MD & has a medical practise in the US.

Its scary reading :rolleyes:

DO i have to buy that book????


My mother who's in her 80's is a vegetarian. She does take supplements, as a vegetarian its hard to get all the necessary nutrients you need from non-meat souces.

Specialist in Spore have it very $$$ good. They have their patients come in on a regular basis :smile: I stopped going to the cardiologists when it was obvious he didn't have a solution except for surgery, more test, & the same expensive medicines.

Supplements are in my opinion the cheapest way to counter the pollutants & dietary deficency. If you get the chance read "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A. Rogers M.D. She goes into the toxins in the environment that cause diseases & the steps to detoxify. Based on her advise I bought an infra sauna to help with detoxificarion.

glad to hear ur mum a vegetarian. we do not need meat at all. eat various of foods r enough nutri provided. eat foods provide directly from earth. supplement still a isolated product which is totally unnecessary for good health. tons of info of nature living in the web, just search through. our grand grand parents don't need supplement yet they strong and healthy


Alfrescian (Inf)
we do not need meat at all. eat various of foods r enough nutri provided. eat foods provide directly from earth. supplement still a isolated product which is totally unnecessary for good health.

I can't agree with with you, some of us like to eat meat. I think those with certain blood types prefer a diet with meat.

Vegeatrian diets are lacking in Omega3, carnithine, etc
From what I've read vegetarians are 78% more likely to suffer from high homocysteine levels & deficiency in B12. This puts them at high risk of sudden heart death:eek:

So vegetarians are also vulnerable to heart problems.

Being someone who already has heart problems. I need to decrease my risks :smile:
Last edited:


anyone going bald here should seek the haircare specialist doctor for help, do not anyhow buy those haircare products intro by sales pple or uncertified personnel.


Alfrescian (Inf)
anyone going bald here should seek the haircare specialist doctor for help, do not anyhow buy those haircare products intro by sales pple or uncertified personnel.

Years ago my family doctor precribed finasteride for my hair loss. Back then it cost something like $30 for a months supply. You can save money by getting Proscar, it is actually the same product as finasteride, except that it is a larger dose of finasteride & presecribed for prostate problems. Can use a tablet cutter to cut Proscar into smaller pieces. Got Proscar from Thailand.

There is a side effect with finasteride, it reduces male libido.

I stopped taking it years ago because other than cost, it was troublesome. So was very surprise when recently my barber told me my bald spot was gone. In my case problem was rectified by making supplements; multivitamins & antioxidant. :smile:


Years ago my family doctor precribed finasteride for my hair loss. Back then it cost something like $30 for a months supply.
There is a side effect with finasteride, it reduces male libido.

You could have saved yourself all those $$$ and troubles if you had gone back to mother nature...... a glass of simple tongkat ali root drink every morning would have cured your problems :biggrin:

Take the natural root.... not those processed and sold commercially in the stores which are damn expensive for the humble root...... I get my supply from the kampungs of Sarawak or Indonesia where the villagers actually trek into the jungles to harvest the root..... and only cost me @ SGD$20.00 for a 5 kg packet :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You could have saved yourself all those $$$ and troubles if you had gone back to mother nature...... a glass of simple tongkat ali root drink every morning would have cured your problems :biggrin:

Years ago I never heard about Tongkat Ali :smile:

Since then I now know a bit more . Theres a supplier in Medan providing the roots, or powder(1:50, 1:200), or capsule. For example 400 capsules of 1:50 extract costs US$256.

Now I'm focused on various supplements for heart health & have to be cautios of what I take. Don't know if Tongkat Ali is suitable if one has high blood pressure :confused:

Plan to give it a try later when I feel better.


Years ago I never heard about Tongkat Ali :smile:

Tongkat Ali has been around as long as Ginseng...... surely your parents or grandparents would have known about them :confused:

Theres a supplier in Medan providing the roots, or powder(1:50, 1:200), or capsule. For example 400 capsules of 1:50 extract costs US$256.

Please be careful with the commercialised products........ you dun know what they do during the production process and the beneficial aspects of the root might be diluted or lost..... and they are too expensive !! The few times that I've tried the tongkat ali pills / capsules sold in shops, they are so different and not as effective as the natural root :(

Don't know if Tongkat Ali is suitable if one has high blood pressure :confused:

The natural unprocessed tongkat ali root is a healer...... your HBP should return to normal after cosuming regularly :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
You could have saved yourself all those $$$ and troubles if you had gone back to mother nature...... a glass of simple tongkat ali root drink every morning would have cured your problems :biggrin:

Take the natural root.... not those processed and sold commercially in the stores which are damn expensive for the humble root...... I get my supply from the kampungs of Sarawak or Indonesia where the villagers actually trek into the jungles to harvest the root..... and only cost me @ SGD$20.00 for a 5 kg packet :biggrin:

U stay in sg or mudland??/

How to obtain the pure one at such low price in sinkeeland?


I can't agree with with you, some of us like to eat meat. I think those with certain blood types prefer a diet with meat.

Vegeatrian diets are lacking in Omega3, carnithine, etc
From what I've read vegetarians are 78% more likely to suffer from high homocysteine levels & deficiency in B12. This puts them at high risk of sudden heart death:eek:

So vegetarians are also vulnerable to heart problems.

Being someone who already has heart problems. I need to decrease my risks :smile:

plenty of plant base food had omega 3 such as nut, faxseeds even some of the sea vegetable. read more about vit b12, mainstream medicia like to attack vegetarian diet for deficiency of this vit, it might involve the meat industry. look at those shaolim monks, pure vegan and fit like bull. i had been a vegan/vegetarian for coming 20yrs. i'm in tip top condition in health. i'm fit (multi time marathon finisher, ippt gold), seldom fall sick(only when lack of sleep due to work)manhood always point up when needed.

observe u r quite over to those supplement, to me u may look even u r worshipping those product.