I have to thank all my friends and supporters who have shown concerns about me selling my flat to raise funds for the war chest. I am touched by all of you who have tried to dissuade me from selling my flat to raise the funds. I appreciate your genuine care and support. Some of you have even offered help and donations. Truly appreciate that.
I am in a different position now, as compared to last elections GE2006. Initially I only wish to help NSP out. But Sebastian, the President of NSP has selflessly committed his time, effort and money to the cause. His actions have convinced me the necessity to put in more effort in forming the Tampines team and taking up the leadership post of Secretary General. But as the SG of NSP, I could not just ride on Sebastian's contribution and willingness to contribute to the war chest for the WHOLE party. Thus, I decided to do my part in putting in my little contribution as well. The heavy responsibility naturally falls on the leaders of the party. Since I have decided to take up the position, I would have to do my part in contributing to the overall GE effort, financially.
As explained in my reply to Mr. Tan Kin Lian posted on his blog, selling my flat serves me well in various ways. As for people who doubted my convictions because of my mention of joining my family in Hong Kong if I lose, I have this to say: it is a long well known fact that I have made my stand clear back in 1997 in my post-election commentary that I have only two choices: to stay and try to fight for a change in the political system or just leave this country altogether, all for the sake of my children and future generations. I have no regrets. At the very least, even if I failed to win and initiate the necessary political change, I could answer to my children that I have done my best.
10 years is a long time and I must be fair to my family, especially my wife and daughter. I am the son, husband and father. I will need to take care of everybody's interests here. I have given 10 years of my life, as well as my family life to "public service" and if it amounts to nothing substantial, I think it is time to move on.
Last but not least, I appreciate the kind offer of donations but technically, my party and I could not accept anonymous donations. The political donation act states that the party cannot accept more than a total of $5K anonymous donations in a year. Any excess of that will be confiscated by the government. Thus, we need to work hard on selling our newspaper every week, just to pay rent and other miscellaneous expenses. Even with that, each and every CEC members have been contributing to the party consistently over the months and years.
We could only accept donations with name and NRIC numbers stated next to the amount. I think at this juncture, many Singaporeans would not want to get their names and NRIC registered to donations to an opposition party and thus, I think it would be more practical that I sort it out myself. I am truly touched that some of you out there whom I hardly know, have messaged me privately to offer your help in canvassing and convincing people to donate with their names and NRIC registered. I really appreciate that. On behalf of NSP, I thank you in advanced for your courageous gestures.
As time ticking by, the final battle is very near. As I have spoken to many people on the ground, the battle is not about us. It is about our future generations. What we decide now will affect our future generations. If you support MBT and PAP now, you are basically supporting the HDB policy direction of getting our children, grandchildren and future generations to sell their home for their retirement. I am just selling my home to fight for our future generations. However, I need people to send a clear signal to PAP that we do not want such policy whereby the CHEAPEST housing in Singapore needs a 30 years mortgage to pay for. This is totally absurd.
Once again, I thank my friends and supporters. Don't worry about me in selling my flat. I am a survivor and could well earn back whatever money I used in this battle. Money spent could well be earned but opportunity to make the strongest political point ever could not be lost.
Goh Meng Seng