His downfall is Karma for distroying many families lives. More bad ones to come.
When people are in a position of power, more often than not they forget about their humble past and use their newly-found powers to oppress the weaker ones that they had occassion to deal with.
Be it a criminal case in the hands of a police investigator or public prosecutor or for that matter something concerning a powerful politician, it should be remembered that Power and Privileges SHOULD NOT be abused to such an extent as to disadvantage the weaker mortals on the receiving end.
Sympathy and Empathy are the Golden words. Always think about the plight of the person being investigated or taken to task (by powerful politicians). Weigh the reasons for him or her having committed the act. Think of his innocent wife and children, maybe elderly parents and sick siblings.
There have been cases whereby investigators, keen on getting commendations and testimonials may have gone over-board and in so doing placed many people in sheer hardship.
Let's not forget the fact that those facing charges or being arraigned in a Court of Law, may have pleaded guilty as as an easy way out for the fact that they simply cannot afford to hire and pay a lawyer to defend them. Legal Aid is not easily available in Singapore. There is much to prove before one is granted Legal Aid.
Heaven knows how many innocent people have languished in Singapore Jails due to this reason.
In conclusion, please believe in KARMA. Remember, that those who are in power today may one day find themselves on the receiving end - be it in the course of answering charges of human-rights abuses or criminal acts. So many examples in the papers.........
One good example is the Khmer Rouge leaders (some of them insane and senile) facing the Tribunal.
KARMA is true. There will be a time when we see it in action.