The 3 recently resigned from Media corpse have publicly shown that they are obviously pro PAP : "DJs", Vomit Singh, irritating Flying Dutchman and now this equally nauseating guy, Glenn Ong, may represent PAP scrapping the barrel for "high profile" candidates for the next election. It's not really that far fetched a conspiracy theory considering this: PAP has been harping on having more "common man" candidates,, they are desperately short of minority candidates for the GRCs, well qualified ethnic Chinese charismatic ones don't want to join them anymore, and their present crop of faceless grass looters who are aspiring to be MPs just cannot make the mark. So PAP brings in the horse-and-pony show slew of candidates to stand in GRCs ....and viola, the MSM has lots to talk about to distract the people ! Desperate move some may say but stranger things have happened. PAP in reading the tea leaves on ground sentiment is probably learning some hard truths of people aghast and disgust at the PAP! Maybe next week some Channel 8 ones will also be resigning to "pursue other interests". 16k per month plus directorships galore better than struggling doing stupid dramas. They have a chance to display acting and wayang skills in a real live drama now.