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Ginfreely Gan Siok Bin go Mid Valley South Key Mall find Abang quarrel and record him.


K Shanmugam Sc Just now (10 October 3.04 pm), I was at JB high end Mid Valley South Key shopping mall inside Popular book store when this Malay man saw me as he was turning out of an aisle and immediately started whistling. There was no other people nearby me. I confronted him and he denied he is whistling at me and pointed to something in the air and said he is whistling at that thing. He was very arrogant and whistled again and again when I started recording. He asked me to call the polis and I said if you don’t run off then I call the polis; and he said he won’t so I called the polis on speaker phone. But this Malay turned hostile and accused me mad and started shaking his backside as he run off with his family. It cannot be a coincidence that everywhere I go from Singapore to JB shopping mall that people see me and started whistling. I hope Singapore police will cooperate with Malaysia polis to catch these men doing sexual harassment of me by whistling at me each time they see me. Who do these criminal bullies think they are entitled to trample me by whistling at me insulting me as a slut prostitute when I am not one and never one?



GAN SIOK BIN, you gila puki!

your body will be found in the drain in JB one day, naked with rats running into your cheebye and exit from your cheebye mouth.
Nipples cut off with one ah neh sucking and squeezing your breast.
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My uncle steamed KNN my uncle suspect maybe is gansiokbin never wear properlee or with the lion hair :geek: something must be abnormal for this keling to whistle at her KNN


My uncle steamed KNN my uncle suspect maybe is gansiokbin never wear properlee or with the lion hair :geek: something must be abnormal for this keling to whistle at her KNN

It's her puki smell, and she's not wearing a bra.
This kind of fuckslut like to act virgin when her prostitute ways are pointed out.


@ginfreely you are a disgrace!! 下贱!


It's her puki smell, and she's not wearing a bra.
This kind of fuckslut like to act virgin when her prostitute ways are pointed out.
You can look at keling eyes blinked before whistling KNN is an indication of something verlee abnormal with gansiokbin :confused::cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Only a siao darbor will whistle at a siao charbor. I'm happy 干爽冰 has finally found her dream man.


Only a siao darbor will whistle at a siao charbor. I'm happy 干爽冰 has finally found her dream man.

干爽冰 must have solicited him for a blowjob and he rejected her.

The full dialog is .."you this kind 地摊货 want to charge RM5 for blowjob? you gila puki!!" :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:


She's a travelling whore, she goes everywhere to solicit customers, they whistle after rejecting her.

RM5???? :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:
Whichever the leeson was this is another gansiokbin self pwn info that gansiokbin is a verlee abnormal person aka siao lang :geek:

Gansiokbin may be thinking by posting this as evidence people will think the other party is siao lang but actuallee is a self pwn of herself KNN


Whichever the leeson was this is another gansiokbin self pwn info that gansiokbin is a verlee abnormal person aka siao lang :geek:

Gansiokbin may be thinking by posting this as evidence people will think the other party is siao lang but actuallee is a self pwn of herself KNN

It's obvious Gan Siok Bin is the only siaolang here. Her Facebook posting is evidence, her hole must be inspect thoroughly.


It's obvious Gan Siok Bin is the only siaolang here. Her Facebook posting is evidence, her hole must be inspect thoroughly.
This is serious shit with no pun intended
My uncle tends to think that the main leeson is due to this KNN when we see something extraordinarlee unusual the more daring and playful person will tend to blink a eye or whistle at them KNN

Screenshot_20220927-111444_Samsung Internet.jpg


Screenshot_20220927-111444_Samsung Internet.jpg

This is not a joke KNN my uncle even did a mocked up shadow comparleeson using a wall and shadow and taking upward image of himself and leelised onlee a lion hair will produce this 2 pop out image :eek: :biggrin: KNN KNN KNN siao