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Geylang reopenin


Communicate??? You want to read poetry together for foreplay???

You whip out your dick and stuff it in her mouth and then proceed to fuck her pussy. No words need to be uttered.
I will respectfully disagree. :biggrin:
Verbal communication n non sexual cues iz n integral part of n augmented experience. :smile:

syed putra

After waited for 1.5 hours at WH54, it was finally my turn. OKT didn't put any chairs outside the house so need to stand outside for 1.5 hours.. Damn sien...other two Thai houses similar as well... Need to wait few hours too...
No free beers while waiting?
Will they accept coloured customers?


My uncle onlee see men. Leeopen for arse fuck ?
This one chicken for sale or duck for sale ?
