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George Goh instructed his team of lawyers to take legal action against PEC


That’s like studying for a science exam, but end up the exam was Math. So he decided to sue for his own stupidity?
Ts anyhow say one lah that's why earlier I asked ts
无影吗?wu yia bo?

Should be 有影无 ... :o-o:

Pec actually didn't want to embarrass him so will not state reason for the disqualification but since he want to know so they wrote to inform him the reason.
From here we can see a stupid person also can be a successful businessman not necessary must be smart.


Alfrescian (Inf)
what is top people ? 高人 ?

He added that he had "a group of advisors" comprising "top people in Singapore" which gave him confidence that he would qualify.
Mei-mei I think these are the 高人 behind him 给他指点.... :biggrin:



Ts anyhow say one lah that's why earlier I asked ts

Pec actually didn't want to embarrass him so will not state reason for the disqualification but since he want to know so they wrote to inform him the reason.
From here we can see a stupid person also can be a successful businessman not necessary must be smart.

George is not stupid. The PEC played him out. The criteria set is to deter the public to apply for presidency. Only those in the politics "are allowed" to run it. It is so clear and yet no sinkies see it clearly?


George is not stupid. The PEC played him out. The criteria set is to deter the public to apply for presidency. Only those in the politics "are allowed" to run it. It is so clear and yet no sinkies see it clearly?
He got the wrong recommendation from his group of advisers.:tongue:


Who set thebv
He got the wrong recommendation from his group of advisers.:tongue:

Who set the criteria? How this criteria was set? Who has the business big enough for presidency, those who support the PAP will be given more business to be big enough for that as an independent?

More questions.


what is top people ? 高人 ?

He added that he had "a group of advisors" comprising "top people in Singapore" which gave him confidence that he would qualify.
A former Attorney-General
A Constitutional Law Professor
A former Judge
A Senior Counsel


Its like Bank asking how much you earn ? Man reply $5000, here is my document to apply....etc. then Bank reply, sorry Sir ... we can only accept 1 pay slip, not few. Even though IRAS will tax Man according as per $5000, but our Bank dont consider them as your total earning. These are the rules.

But earlier Woman never needed all these requirement, why so harsh on my application ? Bank reply - that was promotion period; being minority Malay is the requirement criteria. Man ask - but she not even a 100% Malay & yet Bank can still approve her but not for me ?