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George Goh instructed his team of lawyers to take legal action against PEC


Makes the Singapore president looking like a superhero with the strict terms & conditions to qualify when in fact they are nothing better than a rubber stamp….


Alfrescian (Inf)
I am surprised why someone simply selling Nasi Lemak is considered qualified but not George Goh. Is PAPPY RACIST?


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
what is top people ? 高人 ?

He added that he had "a group of advisors" comprising "top people in Singapore" which gave him confidence that he would qualify.


Alfrescian (Inf)
ELD wants to give face to George Goh and doesn't want to embarrass him
ELD said on Friday that it will not publish the reasons for PEC's decision given to unsuccessful applicants, along with the names of the applicants, due to concerns that potential applicants may be dissuaded from stepping forward to contest the elections for "fear of embarrassment".


ELD wants to give face to George Goh and doesn't want to embarrass him
ELD said on Friday that it will not publish the reasons for PEC's decision given to unsuccessful applicants, along with the names of the applicants, due to concerns that potential applicants may be dissuaded from stepping forward to contest the elections for "fear of embarrassment".
They can say as anything they want, just to embarrass anyone. U trust their words?


what is top people ? 高人 ?

He added that he had "a group of advisors" comprising "top people in Singapore" which gave him confidence that he would qualify.
His lawyer among his group of advisors failed big time lah. It's all about interpreting the regulations, and the lawyer should have known better that a literal interpretation of the regulations meant he didn't stand a chance.


Aiyah…fight gahmen in Singapore court is like buy 4-D with 3 numbers and hopefully expect to win.

Scrooball (clone)

'Diffiker'. Good riddance this suaku JiuHu Sai did not qualify, else confirm Xia Suay Singapore.
Thanks for pointing out that he was born in Malaysia!

George Goh Ching Wah is a Malaysian-born Singaporean businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and former diplomat who is the chairman of Ossia International and the founder of Harvey Norman Ossia. He had served as Singapore's non-resident ambassador to Morocco between 2017 and 2023. Wikipedia


Our ejected presidency is a big joke…like our GRCs gahmen implement rules and conditions so that they can win.

I suggest all concerned citizens to spoil their votes as an expression of a silent protest.

A very low % of valid votes will be very telling.

As I have mentioned before, I am going to spoil my vote by writing an additional name below the 3 names, and that will be this Ah Seng's name.



Still got lots of paranoid voters especially civil servants cos the voting slip is serialised against your NRIC number
Why is there a need to be paranoid at all even there is a serial number to it? Which I dun think so. Can tell us where is fear comes from?

The way I see it is is not better that they know u dun like what they put out?