Gang member who burnt a teen's eyelid sentenced to 40 months in jail, caning
Published on Jun 28, 2013

A gang member, who punched a teen from a rival gang with a pair of scissors gripped between his fingers, and also burnt his eyelid, was on Friday sentenced to 40 months' jail and 12 strokes of the cane. -- ST POSED PHOTO: WANG HUI FEN
By Jalelah Abu Baker
A gang member, who punched a teen from a rival gang with a pair of scissors gripped between his fingers, and also burnt his eyelid, was on Friday sentenced to 40 months' jail and 12 strokes of the cane.
Lau Khiang Heng, 32, surrounded the 15-year-old male and two of his friends aged 15 and 16, at the void deck of Block 826, Jurong West Street 81 where Lau punched the teen with a scissors and burnt his eyelid with a lit cigarette.
The other 15-year-old managed to escape, but Lau directed the other gang members with him to give chase. They caught up with him and kicked and punched him.
Lau, who is unemployed, also kneed the first victim he attacked, in the chest when he refused to kneel down when asked to. The group dispersed when someone spotted police officers in the vicinity. Two of the gang members who were involved in the attack have been sentenced to reformative training, while another two have been ordered to undergo probation.