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No. How you do it?
Same as a magnifying glass. The bottom of an Essence of Chicken bottle has some magnifying power.
No. How you do it?
Also play with magnifiying glass to set paper on fire.
Also the rubber tree seeds which we used to rub on the ground and then place that hot seed onto the skin of our friends..
Grandfather's Collection, 42 Bussorah Street you'll be able to find all the old toys incl. 5 stones! There's also a few shops along Haji Lane.
Anyone, remember collection bottle caps? Then pressed the trim to make a sharp tip for the thumb to flip it over an opponent's cap?
No i don't remember that game but we used to collect the rubber or plastic seal inside the cap for some F&N promotion, normally some picture on the rubber/plastic & you need a few to collect a small prize from your provision shop. And while we're at the provision shop or the mamak stall, sure end up playing tikum tikum but always never win big:(
TaLking about bottLe caps, we used to coLLect them; pound them fLat, sharpen their edges; punch 2 button hoLes through them; thread size no.20 strings from cement bags through the hoLes, spin them and fight (ka) !..![]()
Knn, that ninja stars cut out from bottLe caps; i rem that too.ALso kena jiaLat from my grandma; cos i used herYes that game i remember.. but didn't play too often becos when trying to make it, always end up making ninja stars, the cupboards & doors in our house were covered in holes, this was normally followed by another game, where mother chased me with the featherduster cane & if this game went into extra time i.e. at night, father would take his belt out, that's when it ended badly for me!
Knn, that ninja stars cut out from bottLe caps; i rem that too.ALso kena jiaLat from my grandma; cos i used her
speciaL cLoths' cutting scissors to cut out the stars ! ..hence rendering them 'fLat' for cLoth cuttings..![]()
Wah lau eh, you are very BRAVE boy, dare to use AhPoh's tailoring scissors! those scissors i remember not cheap ok, quite EX back in those days! is it the straight edge scissors or the heavy crimped edge scissors? i think the crimped edge ones are more EX.
Forgotten Liao, but my grandma kept them somewhere thereafter.Instead she got me a pair of those for cutting
chee-cheong-fun types instead..reaLLy missed my grandma, bro.
No reaLLy..guessed it's aLL because i am a fussy eater; and worse part is, even my wifey can't cook..!Is that why you're such a foodie now, graduated from cutting ninja stars to cutting food![]()
Yo! Still remember ya.
And talking abt brown beetle...snails also we "torture". Early morning would find many snails at our backyard. Used to put salts and watch them "shrink". We tot it was fun. Now realised very cruel and bad me.
Fighting fish and fighting spider considered game or not?
What cruel, not, if they are raiding the beautiful flower bed & munching on your plants. When I was young, I would search & destroy snails from my flower bed, line them up in the sun & drop salt on to them & watch them "melt"...it is either them or me plants, no choice!.
I recalled those - spiders and fighting fish. Used to feed the heads of flies to the spiders.
How much did you paid for the chatek brother?Today, went down to North Bridge Road. Bought a pair of capteh 毽子 from a stall behind the sultan gate mosque. Cannot find 5 stones-:(
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