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Posted on 03 Apr 2010
Merlion is ‘trampled to death’ by tourists
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Over enthusiastic tourists are literally trampling the Merlion to death in their eagerness to capture that postcard perfect photo!
According to STOMPer Burn, who sent in this email and photographs of the Merlion yesterday (Mar 2), the glass tiles at the base of the national icon suffered substantial damage.
“The glass tiles forming the waves at the base of the Merlion suffered substantial damages as can be seen in some of the pictures; this could be an awful accident waiting to happen.
“STB or the relevant authorities should do something before someone gets hurt or more damages is done to the Merlion.
“A check with the security at One Fullerton only drew a nonchalant respond ‘Oh yah, we saw it (on CCTV). Thank You!’
“Those cheap plastic chains they put around the Merlion obviously did nothing to deter people from climbing.
“I'll suggest that the next time the Merlion get a face-lift (hopefully before the Youth Olympic Games), a planter bed of bougainvillea (prickly but pretty) could be placed around the base to protect the Merlion from the mob of tourists thronging the park every day.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: merlion , tourist
Merlion is ‘trampled to death’ by tourists
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Over enthusiastic tourists are literally trampling the Merlion to death in their eagerness to capture that postcard perfect photo!
According to STOMPer Burn, who sent in this email and photographs of the Merlion yesterday (Mar 2), the glass tiles at the base of the national icon suffered substantial damage.
“The glass tiles forming the waves at the base of the Merlion suffered substantial damages as can be seen in some of the pictures; this could be an awful accident waiting to happen.
“STB or the relevant authorities should do something before someone gets hurt or more damages is done to the Merlion.
“A check with the security at One Fullerton only drew a nonchalant respond ‘Oh yah, we saw it (on CCTV). Thank You!’
“Those cheap plastic chains they put around the Merlion obviously did nothing to deter people from climbing.
“I'll suggest that the next time the Merlion get a face-lift (hopefully before the Youth Olympic Games), a planter bed of bougainvillea (prickly but pretty) could be placed around the base to protect the Merlion from the mob of tourists thronging the park every day.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: merlion , tourist