I already pointed out that it is CHEE BYE:
Re: warning Yaacob! Canadian govt burtally slay builders fo Marina Barrage!
I say beavers are CHEE BYES! Ok?
bea·ver 1 Pronunciation (bvr)
a. A large aquatic rodent of the genus Castor, having thick brown fur, webbed hind feet, a broad flat tail, and sharp incisors adapted for gnawing bark, felling trees, and constructing dams and underwater lodges.
b. The fur of this rodent.
c. A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent.
2. A napped wool fabric, similar to felt, used for outer garments.
a. Vulgar Slang The female genitals.
b. Offensive & Vulgar Slang A woman or girl.
1. Of or relating to a beaver or beavers: beaver fur; a beaver hat.
2. Constructed by beavers: beaver dams.
intr.v. bea·vered, bea·ver·ing, bea·vers
To work diligently and energetically.
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