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Serious From 100 to 1m in 90 days

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)

That's USA capitalism. People only see the results of millionaires but never see the hard work they put behind the scene when everyone else was relaxing or on holiday.
Socialist retards just want to demand money from other people while they laze around and don't want to put in the hard work nor the risk of setting up a business for fear of going bankrupt.


salute :wink:


Reason obeys itself; Ignorance submits to what is dictated to it. - Thomas Paine

A society without proportionate consequence for personal actions will make eventual victims of all.-unknown

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." -
Sir Winston Churchill

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin


Fortune or disaster of wealth is mapped by a group of dictators Rothschild, Illuminati and Skulls and Bones. They are the socialist.

Why every 10 -15 years there will be a recession, and recession only lasted 1 year?

then the boom period returns. Who was the mf behind stirring this shit up and down.

For someone who made money he can bragged a free world under democracy he can made a fortune.... Then those loses money they are victims of the 3 socialist manipulating the economy.

Why the economy cannot be trouble free and life goes on normal uninterrupted?

Why the food, water and essential products and services are not affected by these shitskins manipulators....

In yr life time, how many downs and up economy like recessions, financial crisis must you faced which were manipulated by the 3 socialist bastards Rothschild, illuminati and Bones and Skull.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That's USA capitalism. People only see the results of millionaires but never see the hard work they put behind the scene when everyone else was relaxing or on holiday.
Socialist retards just want to demand money from other people while they laze around and don't want to put in the hard work nor the risk of setting up a business for fear of going bankrupt.

wish i could be a hard working capitalist too........can u lend me small loan of 1 million so i can be a hard working capitalist?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
wish i could be a hard working capitalist too........can u lend me small loan of 1 million so i can be a hard working capitalist?

Your socialist mindset is getting in your way to make millions. If you want loans, get it from the banks with a plan that they can't refuse. It's easy. The only hard part is are you willing to work like a dog to achieve this. Even a teenager can do this, why can't you?

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Your socialist mindset is getting in your way to make millions. If you want loans, get it from the banks with a plan that they can't refuse. It's easy. The only hard part is are you willing to work like a dog to achieve this. Even a teenager can do this, why can't you?

u just proved my point even more,funny how the rich will only lend to the rich,rich gets richer.....

we all know capitalism is a game.....how much u make is a factor of how much money u have,the more u have the more u make,and it keeps compounding,larger and larger,faster and faster,until it crosses the realm of the normal,into the ridiculous.....thats how people make ridiculous sums of money,not by hard work and extreme effort,but by having more capital......using money as a leverage,a tool.....

the more money i have,the more i can invest,buy real estate,own more means of production,more resources,more goods,more manpower more equipment,equals more profit...

lets say i own a arbitrage business,i buy and resell things online,lets say i have 100k,i go out and buy 100k worth of items that i feel can make me a profit,i list it on a website and sell the 100k goods for 130k profit and pay 10k in fees and taxes leaving me 20k profit......now i know the strategy is the same,i know the market is massive iv barely just scratched it.......if i have 1 million i can do the same thing except at 10 times the scale......buy 1 million worth of goods and resell it for 1.3 million and make 200k profit.....i just centupled my income by tenfold from 20k to 200k.....now i probably have to work harder because of the greater volume of sales needed to be processed.......maybe 50 percent harder......but my income just increased by 1000%.......now imagine if i scale it up to 2 million,5 million or 7.5 million,how much money would i be making a year.......now at 1 million its still manageable by 1 person,but say at 2 or 3 million sales a year i need an extra pair of hands or two to help me.....ok so i hire 2 or 3 employees at 40k a year each.......600k minus 120k im still making a whopping 480k income a year.......

lets say i started this business when i was 21......at age 29 it reaches 100 million dollars revenues a year.....i decide im tired of doing this shyt,i can hire a ceo to manage the company for me.......pay him 2 million a year.......and still make a nice 20 million a year.......or sell it to amazon for a billion dollars,tell them at current tragectory the business will hit 300 million revenues within 5 years.

thats why rich people love debt,economists and central banks love debt......they think more debt can accelerate growth and propel the gdp......debt is the key to making more debt i guess,all money is paper debt.

yawnz.........li ka shing knew this,when he made his first million 50 years ago,it was easy town from then on,the next million then ten million then 100 million.......he could have retired back then he said......a million dollars in 1960s was serious money......i guess he took it all the way......

if anyone needs a lesson in capitalism 101......
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Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
u just proved my point even more,funny how the rich will only lend to the rich,rich gets richer.....

we all know capitalism is a game.....how much u make is a factor of how much money u have,the more u have the more u make,and it keeps compounding,larger and larger,faster and faster,until it crosses the realm of the normal,into the ridiculous.....thats how people make ridiculous sums of money,not by hard work and extreme effort,but by having more capital......using money as a leverage,a tool.....

the more money i have,the more i can invest,buy real estate,own more means of production,more resources,more goods,more manpower more equipment,equals more profit...

lets say i own a arbitrage business,i buy and resell things online,lets say i have 100k,i go out and buy 100k worth of items that i feel can make me a profit,i list it on a website and sell the 100k goods for 130k profit and pay 10k in fees and taxes leaving me 20k profit......now i know the strategy is the same,i know the market is massive iv barely just scratched it.......if i have 1 million i can do the same thing except at 10 times the scale......buy 1 million worth of goods and resell it for 1.3 million and make 200k profit.....i just centupled my income by tenfold from 20k to 200k.....now i probably have to work harder because of the greater volume of sales needed to be processed.......maybe 50 percent harder......but my income just increased by 1000%.......now imagine if i scale it up to 2 million,5 million or 7.5 million,how much money would i be making a year.......now at 1 million its still manageable by 1 person,but say at 2 or 3 million sales a year i need an extra pair of hands or two to help me.....ok so i hire 2 or 3 employees at 40k a year each.......600k minus 120k im still making a whopping 480k income a year.......

lets say i started this business when i was 21......at age 29 it reaches 100 million dollars revenues a year.....i decide im tired of doing this shyt,i can hire a ceo to manage the company for me.......pay him 2 million a year.......and still make a nice 20 million a year.......or sell it to amazon for a billion dollars,tell them at current tragectory the business will hit 300 million revenues within 5 years.

thats why rich people love debt,economists and central banks love debt......they think more debt can accelerate growth and propel the gdp......debt is the key to making more debt i guess,all money is paper debt.

yawnz.........li ka shing knew this,when he made his first million 50 years ago,it was easy town from then on,the next million then ten million then 100 million.......he could have retired back then he said......a million dollars in 1960s was serious money......i guess he took it all the way......

if anyone needs a lesson in capitalism 101......

You are so fucking dumb! You didn't even watch the videos I provided and start complaining like a loser begging for money like any socialist will.

There are people with no money, made millions with no money from himself, but money borrowed from the banks and he is a teenager at that! How did he did it? Watch the fucking videos! Heck, he is not the only one! There are many people succeeded in this! Fucking lazy socialist like you only want to rob other people money.

Banks are there to provide funding for business so that they can also make money. You just have to think outside the box and work at ti. But lazy fuckards like you won't even want to watch what I provided. That is prove of how lazy you fuckers are!


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are so fucking dumb! You didn't even watch the videos I provided and start complaining like a loser begging for money like any socialist will.

There are people with no money, made millions with no money from himself, but money borrowed from the banks and he is a teenager at that! How did he did it? Watch the fucking videos! Heck, he is not the only one! There are many people succeeded in this! Fucking lazy socialist like you only want to rob other people money.

Banks are there to provide funding for business so that they can also make money. You just have to think outside the box and work at ti. But lazy fuckards like you won't even want to watch what I provided. That is prove of how lazy you fuckers are!

are the people on this site insane,or blind and cant read anything people write or just plain stupid lol?

christ its almost like i just wasted all that time and energy.....

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
are the people on this site insane,or blind and cant read anything people write or just plain stupid lol?

christ its almost like i just wasted all that time and energy.....

Yup, you love to waste time and just want other people to give you the money through bandit laws like socialism.

You asked a question of will I lend you the money, and I showed you the proper way to get money to get you rich.

But then, you go the tangent with excuses for not wanting to get rich and so on so forth bullshits.

If you are so fucking caring about the poor, then work your butts off and get billions, if not trillions and like Bill Gates or Soros, start giving YOUR OWN money to the poor if you think that there is an inequality. No one will stop you from giving YOUR OWN money to the poor. Just don't force others to do what you cannot do yourself.

But lazy beggar socialist like you won't do that cos you only care about the poor if it is other people's money that gets to be taken and not your own. That's how moronic people like you are.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Yup, you love to waste time and just want other people gives you the money through bandit laws like socialism.

You asked a question of will I lend you the money, and I showed you the proper way to get money to get you rich.

But then, you go the tangent with excuses for not wanting to get rich and so on so forth bullshits.

If you are so fucking caring about the poor, then work your butts off and get billions, if not trillions and like Bill Gates or Soros, start giving YOUR OWN money to the poor if you think that there is a inequality. No one will stop you from giving YOUR OWN money to the poor. Just don't force others to do what you cannot do yourself.

But lazy beggar socialist like you won't do that cos you only care about the poor if it is other peoples money that gets to be taken and not your own. That's how moronic people like you are.

did u actually read a single sentence i wrote in that 400 word essay i wrote explaining how capitalism works?

what excuses?

u are the one whose the serious lazy fark here who doesnt understand a single thing about nothing blabbering about ur stupid ass shyt.

u think i have never thought of that before going out to become a billionaire then giving my money away like chuck feeney just to prove that capitalism is just a game and socialism is the end game and all that matters?the irony,the one pissing and hating on socialims at the end of the day championing it......socialism whether voluntary or involuntary.just that bill gates is more socialist than others......than those fake billionaires and millionaires that give away 1% or 0.5% of their wealth at charity galas pretending like they are really generous.....and the worse thing is,the 1% they are giving to charity aint even 1%,its all tax exempt so they get to save on their taxes at the end of the year,its literally money they had to pay in taxes anyway.

u think i dunno how the fark capitalism works?i have been a capitalist in online mmorpgs since i was a kid being a businessman,merchant,trader,flipper......buying and selling in game equipment and items and currency from people and to other people for a profit........even magic the gathering cards in real life.......iv turned nothing or next to nothing(everyone in video games starts with nothing),iv traded...flipped....merched and invested............a few pieces of video game gold into millions and even billions.....more money than most players can even imagine making as any other profession or doing any other activity in game even if they played nonstop for 5 or 10 years......i have probably reached the top 1 or 0.1 percentile networth in a few different video games......in fact i made so much money in game i could actually sell my in game wealth for thousands of dollars in real world money.......pretty impressive considering most in game currency is worth peanuts........but im not the richest.........theres some people that managed to accumulate so much wealth in video games they were worth anywhere from tens of thousands to some cases even close to $200,000 usd if they sold some of that video game gold......and ill bet u they did.....there is no way u would leave $200,000 usd worth of stuff sitting in a video game account.....currently theres a trillionaire on runescape......a merchant worth 1.3 trillion.....at current prices,1 billion is worth $150 sgd.......1.3 trillion means the guy is worth $195,000......my god.....lmao......most people in america dont even have $1000 in their savings account.....anytime this guy needs money he just go to some black market website........sell 1 or 2 billion and cha ching $300 in his pocket......1.28 trillion to go........

and u know whats the funny thing?its easier the second time round,after building my first empire in the first video game,i just transferred some of my wealth to the next video game.......through underground sites and black markets......u know like changing foreign currency......and since i now know the basics of merching,trading,flipping and economics in games.......its like doing the same shyt......of course every game is different,different markets,different items and gear,different trends.....some video games have far more complex economies than others.....but in the end the strategy and concept is the same......u buy low and sell higher for a profit......thats it......

what effort?what hard work?i realised a long time ago when i was a kid......that how much money u can make depends on how much money u have.......how much money u have determines how much u can buy and sell at the same time,how big a inventory u can hold,the volume of goods how much u can trade and flip at the same time.......and how fast u can make money.......if i have 1000 gold......i could make 50 to 100 gold a day......if i had 1,000,000 gold,i could buy and sell more goods,more expensive goods and greater quantities and make maybe 20000 to 30000 gold a day......if i have 10,000,000 gold, i can possibly make 100,000 gold a day.....of course the higher u go,the smaller ur profit margin and roi gets.....its harder to maintain a high profit margin when ur dealing with such large sums of money....but it doesnt matter when ur doing such large amounts of business,even 1% profit margin is a ton of money...its like the supermarkets business model...what effort?what hard work?the amount of effort is still the same,the method is still the same,the amount of hard work is still the same.....the only difference is if i was flipping with 10,000,000 i would be making 100,000 a day instead of 100 gold a day.......

its the same in real life........if i have $500 to buy and sell magic the gathering cards with,i make $50 a week if im lucky,but if i have $10,000 capital,i have more room to work with,more inventory,i can buy and sell more and make more money.........one of my classmates made money this way......he bought and sold magic the gathering cards and made probably thousands of dollars over the year......u can see the huge binder......

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u just proved my point even more,funny how the rich will only lend to the rich,rich gets richer.....

we all know capitalism is a game.....how much u make is a factor of how much money u have,the more u have the more u make,and it keeps compounding,larger and larger,faster and faster,until it crosses the realm of the normal,into the ridiculous.....thats how people make ridiculous sums of money,not by hard work and extreme effort,but by having more capital......using money as a leverage,a tool.....

the more money i have,the more i can invest,buy real estate,own more means of production,more resources,more goods,more manpower more equipment,equals more profit...

lets say i own a arbitrage business,i buy and resell things online,lets say i have 100k,i go out and buy 100k worth of items that i feel can make me a profit,i list it on a website and sell the 100k goods for 130k profit and pay 10k in fees and taxes leaving me 20k profit......now i know the strategy is the same,i know the market is massive iv barely just scratched it.......if i have 1 million i can do the same thing except at 10 times the scale......buy 1 million worth of goods and resell it for 1.3 million and make 200k profit.....i just centupled my income by tenfold from 20k to 200k.....now i probably have to work harder because of the greater volume of sales needed to be processed.......maybe 50 percent harder......but my income just increased by 1000%.......now imagine if i scale it up to 2 million,5 million or 7.5 million,how much money would i be making a year.......now at 1 million its still manageable by 1 person,but say at 2 or 3 million sales a year i need an extra pair of hands or two to help me.....ok so i hire 2 or 3 employees at 40k a year each.......600k minus 120k im still making a whopping 480k income a year.......

lets say i started this business when i was 21......at age 29 it reaches 100 million dollars revenues a year.....i decide im tired of doing this shyt,i can hire a ceo to manage the company for me.......pay him 2 million a year.......and still make a nice 20 million a year.......or sell it to amazon for a billion dollars,tell them at current tragectory the business will hit 300 million revenues within 5 years.

thats why rich people love debt,economists and central banks love debt......they think more debt can accelerate growth and propel the gdp......debt is the key to making more debt i guess,all money is paper debt.

yawnz.........li ka shing knew this,when he made his first million 50 years ago,it was easy town from then on,the next million then ten million then 100 million.......he could have retired back then he said......a million dollars in 1960s was serious money......i guess he took it all the way......

if anyone needs a lesson in capitalism 101......
I just read this and I laughed. Please don't take the following description as an insult, but I have no other way of describing it. Your description of capitalism 101 looks like geometric progression 101 using profit as the random unit you choose to be progressed. None of what you propose above is realistic in the slightest sense. Economically, your argument doesn't hold water at every stage...

It is about an accurate description of capitalism as a hammer and sickle is a description of communism. why are all supporters of socialism/communism always interested in the packaging and not the contents?


u think i dunno how the fark capitalism works?i have been a capitalist in online mmorpgs since i was a kid being a businessman,merchant,trader,flipper......buying and selling in game equipment and items and currency from people and to other people for a profit........even magic the gathering cards in real life.......iv turned nothing or next to nothing(everyone in video games starts with nothing),iv traded...flipped....merched and invested............
I think I just realized why you don't understand capitalism. Have a nice day.


pls read my post to the end......u will understand....i know its a little long winded......
respectfully, I have. All I think is useful to say at this point is that that's not how it works at all. Marx himself never worked a day in his life. Never owned a business. Was never an employer nor an employee. He was born privileged and he died privileged.

Anything I say will not make sense to you because you view it through the prism of game economics which are as far removed from real world economics as spaceflight is to fish swimming. As a gamer myself, I know too well how removed game mechanics are from the real world.

Would you seriously like a technical breakdown of every point that you made that is removed from real world economics? I could, but I am not here to upset you. If you're still interested let me know. I'll detail the gaps.

But if not at least consider getting yourself elbows deep into trying to do what a basic entrepreneur needs to do to survive before you brand capitalism as evil incarnate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
respectfully, I have. All I think is useful to say at this point is that that's not how it works at all. Marx himself never worked a day in his life. Never owned a business. Was never an employer nor an employee. He was born privileged and he died privileged.

Anything I say will not make sense to you because you view it through the prism of game economics which are as far removed from real world economics as spaceflight is to fish swimming. As a gamer myself, I know too well how removed game mechanics are from the real world.

Would you seriously like a technical breakdown of every point that you made that is removed from real world economics? I could, but I am not here to upset you. If you're still interested let me know. I'll detail the gaps.

But if not at least consider getting yourself elbows deep into trying to do what a basic entrepreneur needs to do to survive before you brand capitalism as evil incarnate.
I admire your patience and fortitude with this commie fucker.
You just cannot win an argument with someone that nourishes himself in his own sea of lies.

We should channel our energy towards the verbal war between Sister Claire and Sister Cloudy instead. Two women with four mouths battling out each other is much more entertaining !
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are the people on this site insane,or blind and cant read anything people write or just plain stupid lol?

christ its almost like i just wasted all that time and energy.....
Vid only 2 min. May be it take more than 2 minute for them to read your post.. :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I just read this and I laughed. Please don't take the following description as an insult, but I have no other way of describing it. Your description of capitalism 101 looks like geometric progression 101 using profit as the random unit you choose to be progressed. None of what you propose above is realistic in the slightest sense. Economically, your argument doesn't hold water at every stage...

It is about an accurate description of capitalism as a hammer and sickle is a description of communism. why are all supporters of socialism/communism always interested in the packaging and not the contents?

geometric progression...im assuming ur talking about how i portrayed the "progression" of my "company" example as too linear or straight forward.....its just an example,i know its a little unrealistic and may not actually fit reality or the laws of reality....in real life,it might be faster or slower,mostly slower in general,unless u happen to be one of those unicorns like gopro or snapchat that hits a billion market valuation in less than a decade with astounding growth year after year.....

but its just an example and im trying not to complicate things....i mean we can spend all day trying to come up with a more realistic example like a small start up with 100k revenues in the first year and 10% or 30% or 50% or even 150% or 300% roi growth yoy and gradually tapering off and slowing down once it got bigger and reaches millions of revenues.....

but thats not the point im trying to make.......the point im making is,at the end of the day,how much money u can make in say a year is simply a function of how much money or CAPITAL u have......and not because of simply hard work and effort......obviously if u have a large amount of capital to operate with,the scale of trade or business u can conduct at one time is much larger,and the amount of profits u make much bigger....than if u only have a tiny or small amount of capital to work with.............

while i have described the progression of a "company" from its small or poor beginnings with 130k turnover to its late stage or end game with tons of capital and resources......the point im trying to make here is nothing much has really changed........whether at the beginning or the middle stages or late game......the methodology is the same,the effort is more or less the same......the only difference is the vast amount of profits generated at the end because of the company's large capital and resources.....the owner now makes vastly more money now than he did doing the same thing he always did........simply because he has more capital now than at the beginning.....

capital is just a tool or leverage.

and theres another way u can hack or cheat.......showing once again how capitalism is merely a function of capital.....

the example i given was the organic and slower way of growing a business.......a person starts a business with a small sum of capital and slowly reinvesting profits and growing ur company organically.....that would take a much longer time.......but what if u could cheat? u started a company and saw it was growing well,u got a winning formula and u are good at making money......but instead of slowly growing ur company,u decide to go out and raise a few million dollars from friends and banks and investors or crowdfunding........and injected it and expanded it quickly,right away ur business went from doing 300k revenues to now doing 3,4 million a year in revenues while still maintaining a good profit margin.......ur annual profits just shot up from 50,60k a year to now 500,600k a year......all u did was borrow capital,expanded ur business model doing the same thing but now ur making 10 times more money........
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