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Chitchat Freelancer Estella Young Uses Moslem Social Media Name To Complain About Racist Chink Book That Say Darkies Are School Bullies!


Chinks prefer chink dominant societies because they have far lower crime, even after including the riots and protests of HK.

I don't see anyone rushing to China or even Taiwan to migrate. That is a fallacy, a balm to soothe your ego.

If chinks migrate, they prefer to stay with whites who share their values of stable society, no going full retard on religion like the moslems. When chinks move into the neighbourhood, property prices rise.
Fact is, white hate you moving in with them. In fact, everyone, not just whites. They would all rather prices drop than gain and they'd wish you go back to Chaaiiinah.

Now how about insisting your PAP to implement, respect and abide by 152, since you said yourself to be abiding by it.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Now how about insisting your PAP to implement, respect and abide by 152, since you said yourself to be abiding by it.

Yawn. So what sort of racial privileges you want? Free money? Guaranteed places in university even if retarded?


Alfrescian (Inf)
You find more mosques in jiu hu than in medieval islamic cities. Every corner got one surau. Call to prayers are like one mosque competing with another to determine which is loudest.

Why cant they? Is a Muslim country. And they do have big big cheena temples and cemeteries too. Tat include Hindu temples. Big big ones. Most famous one at Batu cave. Like i said if u cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Yawn. So what sort of racial privileges you want? Free money? Guaranteed places in university even if retarded?
Hey..152 is still there. Go read it. You can read can't you? And you also like to say others as lazy. So go find it, if you say you 'respect' the Constitution.
Also upon separation, 152 was accorded to the Malays. And then LKY removed them.
For a start how about reinstating it?

I'm dismantling your hypocrisy and racism bit by bit.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Hey..152 is still there. Go read it. You can read can't you? And you also like to say others as lazy. So go find it, if you say you 'respect' the Constitution.
Also upon separation, 152 was accorded to the Malays. And then LKY removed them.
For a start how about reinstating it?

I'm dismantling your hypocrisy and racism bit by bit.

How are you dismantling any hypocrisy and racism when you yourself are a racist? You just want special privileges for your own race and religion simply because you stand to benefit from it.


How are you dismantling any hypocrisy and racism when you yourself are a racist? You just want special privileges for your own race and religion simply because you stand to benefit from it.
I want the benefits the Constitution has guaranteed me. And so do you. You too will object when you are denied rights to you from the Constitution. Yes or No?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I want the benefits the Constitution has guaranteed me. And so do you. You too will object when you are denied rights to you from the Constitution. Yes or No?

I object to anything in the Constitution that grants special privileges based on race and religion, even if it benefits my race and religion specifically.


I object to anything in the Constitution that grants special privileges based on race and religion, even if it benefits my race and religion specifically.
So now you no longer 'respect' the Constitution? If and until it is changed you can object all you like but you still have to abide by it. We cannot be cherry picking the parts that we like and abiding selectively. The country will disintegrate.

So will you abide and insist that everyone abide by it?

I'm dismantling your hypocrisy and racism bit by bit.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Fact is, white hate you moving in with them. In fact, everyone, not just whites. They would all rather prices drop than gain and they'd wish you go back to Chaaiiinah.

Whites made money selling property to chink immigrants. Whites lost money when moslem immigrants move in. Most of the moslem neighbourhoods in Europe have degenerated into slums.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
So now you no longer 'respect' the Constitution? If and until it is changed you can object all you like but you still have to abide by it. We cannot be cherry picking the parts that we like and abiding selectively. The country will disintegrate.

The Constitution is a working document. It is not cast in stone. If the Constitution had clause that says moslems are second class citizens, I bet you will want it changed too.

Singapore is doing pretty well because our laws disagree with sharia concepts of discrimination against others of different beliefs and gender.

Most of the internal instability has to do with oppies and fundamentalist moslems wanting to implement their sharia.


I find it far more racist when someone who is not of Muslim....then uses a Muslim name in pretext.


The Constitution is a working document. It is not cast in stone. If the Constitution had clause that says moslems are second class citizens, I bet you will want it changed too.

Singapore is doing pretty well because our laws disagree with sharia concepts of discrimination against others of different beliefs and gender.

Most of the internal instability has to do with oppies and fundamentalist moslems wanting to implement their sharia.

And until it is changed, abide and implement the Constitution or you are behaving the same as those you accuse of, that is wanting their way with the Constitution when it states otherwise.

And also now you are going off on a tangent to hide your hypocrisy. Who is talking about Sharia?

This is what I am actually exposing:
I'm dismantling your hypocrisy and racism bit by bit.