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Chitchat Freelancer Estella Young Uses Moslem Social Media Name To Complain About Racist Chink Book That Say Darkies Are School Bullies!


SG is a racist country. Didn't your DPM say its not ready for a non Chinese PM?

Get over it.

The PM Ah Loong said it first.

His dead father, dead old fart Harry Lee said much worse things.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Before you want to amend anything , how about first abiding by the present Constitution?

Useless if you want to amend anything and everything and still would not abide by your amendments. Hypocrisy abounds. So much for faking racial integration yet cannot even abide and respect the Constitution you live under.

I've always abided by the present constitution. However, abiding doesn't mean not wanting to change any parts of it that favour any race.

Hypocrisy is on your side. You simply want special privileges for your own race because your religious values teach you that your kind is superior to others. That is racism. Don't hypocrite moslems like you teach your kids that kids of other races are unclean because they eat pork while moslem rapists and drug addicts are still clean simply because they don't eat pork?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
His dead father, dead old fart Harry Lee said much worse things.


What worse things did Ah Gong say?

If we were 100% moslem keling society, we would be as violent and intolerant and poor as pakistan today. If we were 99% moslem keling, the children of the 1% minority live under constant threat of being kidnapped by moslems and forcibly converted to islam.

If we were 100% hindu, we would be as poor as nepal or most parts of india and our women would be unsafe.

If we were 100% m&d moslem, we would be as poor as most parts of indonesia, and as politically unstable and radical like aceh or moslem mindanao.

If we were 100% chink, we would be like HK or Taipei Taiwan. Moslem societies are basically shitholes compared to HK or Taiwan.


What worse things did Ah Gong say?

If we were 100% moslem keling society, we would be as violent and intolerant and poor as pakistan today. If we were 99% moslem keling, the children of the 1% minority live under constant threat of being kidnapped by moslems and forcibly converted to islam.

If we were 100% hindu, we would be as poor as nepal or most parts of india and our women would be unsafe.

If we were 100% m&d moslem, we would be as poor as most parts of indonesia, and as politically unstable and radical like aceh or moslem mindanao.

If we were 100% chink, we would be like HK or Taipei Taiwan. Moslem societies are basically shitholes compared to HK or Taiwan.

Muslim - not Moslem - societies like Qatar, Dubai, Turkey, Malaysia are far better off than Stinkypura in real life.

With a much higher quality of life, modern infrastructure, rule of law, security etc.

While Stinky peasants toil away in hot humid sweltering stinkypura in teeny tiny shoebox sized apartments for meagre sums and overinflated prices of goods/ services resulting in extremely high costs of living.




Under constant threat of war, massive braindrain.

Dilapidated infra. Even their toilet pipes burst if you flush toilet paper.

Taiwan's plumbing just cannot take the added strain of toilet paper flushed down

It's even worse than Stinkypura.

Worse yet, 1.4 billion Chinks - the bulk of all chinks worldwide - live under commie autocracy in Tiongkok.

And then there is also the closely related Norkies.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Muslim - not Moslem - societies like Qatar, Dubai, Turkey, Malaysia are far better off than Stinkypura in real life.

Qatar and Dubai have lots of oil. Jiuhu is doing relatively well because of the chinks. Jiuhu society is largely bogged down by the m&d moslems, who waste much of their public taxes maintaining mosques and suraus and thousands of useless of "civil servants" also known as ustaz and imams.

Turkey is in a very bad recession for years. Their turkish lira has fallen by 67% over the past 5 years. Elecricity prices rose 50% there in 2019 and youth unemployment is about 30%. PAP Singapore is doing very very well if you compare us against Turkey.


Under constant threat of war, massive braindrain.

Dilapidated infra. Even their toilet pipes burst if you flush toilet paper.

You should go visit Taiwan more often. Despite being under constant threat of war, they do far better than moslem places like pakistan.

As for HK, there's a sizeable moslem community there for years. And the HK chink majority people don't kidnap moslem kids for forced marriages and force conversions to chink religion. That's something non-moslems have to endure in places like pakistan when surrounded by muhammad worshippers.

syed putra

The Constitution can be amended. It has been amended many times before. Perhaps you should tell us why racial special privileges in the Constitution cannot be amended. Is it because those privileges are meant specifically for your race?
The special privilege was never applied but blatant discrimination were enforced.

syed putra

Jiuhu society is largely bogged down by the m&d moslems, who waste much of their public taxes maintaining mosques and suraus and thousands of useless of "civil servants" also known as ustaz and imams.
You find more mosques in jiu hu than in medieval islamic cities. Every corner got one surau. Call to prayers are like one mosque competing with another to determine which is loudest.


Qatar and Dubai have lots of oil. Jiuhu is doing relatively well because of the chinks. Jiuhu society is largely bogged down by the m&d moslems, who waste much of their public taxes maintaining mosques and suraus and thousands of useless of "civil servants" also known as ustaz and imams.

Dubai does not have much oil. Neither does Qatar.

Jiuhu does relatively well because of its people and government.

It is stinkies who are bogged down with too many civil servants coz most stinkies cant compete against CECA virus.

Turkey is in a very bad recession for years. Their turkish lira has fallen by 67% over the past 5 years. Elecricity prices rose 50% there in 2019 and youth unemployment is about 30%. PAP Singapore is doing very very well if you compare us against Turkey.

Turkish economy has been growing for years now.



You should go visit Taiwan more often. Despite being under constant threat of war, they do far better than moslem places like pakistan.

They suffer from immense braindrain, dilapidated infrastructure. Even toilet paper can not be flushed coz water pipes may burst any time.

Pakistan is a nuclear power.

As for HK, there's a sizeable moslem community there for years. And the HK chink majority people don't kidnap moslem kids for forced marriages and force conversions to chink religion. That's something non-moslems have to endure in places like pakistan when surrounded by muhammad worshippers.

Muslim - not Moslem - population in HK is even smaller in size than the chink population in Malaysia, Stinkypura and Indonesia.

Nobody worships any Prophet.

Except in false religions. Like Christianity.

Prophet Isa (PBUH)/Jesus (PBUH) should not be worshipped. That is the gravest sin. of associating partners with Allah (SWT)

You remain a filthy liar cheater and scammer.

Typical of a chink.

Typical of a PAP pig.

Not unsurprisingly.


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You find more mosques in jiu hu than in medieval islamic cities. Every corner got one surau. Call to prayers are like one mosque competing with another to determine which is loudest.


Did you live in a medieval Islamic city like Cordoba Baghdad - the then knowledge capital or centre of knowledge or the 'library' , if you like - of the world - or in Andalusia or elsewhere like Bukhara?

Competition on which mosque is loudest is a stupid competition.

That can only cause nuisance.

And maybe some negative salutary effects.

syed putra


Did you live in a medieval Islamic city like Cordoba Baghdad - the then knowledge capital or centre of knowledge or the 'library' , if you like - of the world - or in Andalusia or elsewhere like Bukhara?

Competition on which mosque is loudest is a stupid competition.

That can only cause nuisance.

And maybe some negative salutary effects.
Yes. And these cities only have one big central mosque, if it was a mosque in the first place. It could be a place where people congregate to discuss knowledge and discoveries.
The so called mosque in cordoba faces south and not towards mecca.

syed putra

Dubai does not have much oil. Neither does Qatar.

Jiuhu does relatively well because of its people and government.
Qatar is the largest producer of lng. Liquefied natural gas. It leaders are allies to erdogan of Turkey and both are supporters of muslim brotherhood.
UAE of which dubai is part if, produces some oil.

syed putra

You should go visit Taiwan more often. Despite being under constant threat of war, they do far better than moslem places like pakistan.
Even chinese avoid living in a dominant chinese society. Quality of life deteriorates due to stress and the way people behave,


Qatar is the largest producer of lng. Liquefied natural gas. It leaders are allies to erdogan of Turkey and both are supporters of muslim brotherhood.
UAE of which dubai is part if, produces some oil.

LNG is not oil.

Dubai does not have much oil.

Ergo the points stand.

You could say that all the rich countries in the world are yankee allies/poodles/puppets.

That would be even more accurate.

Coz venezuela nigeria russia iran despite their hydrocarbon reserves are not flourishing.
Norkies aren't flourishing despite being the same country as southerners.


Even chinese avoid living in a dominant chinese society. Quality of life deteriorates due to stress and the way people behave,

In taiwan, you can not flush toilet paper coz the pipe may burst.

To Flush or Not to Flush: Change in Taiwan’s Bathroom Etiquette
To Flush or Not to Flush: Change in Taiwan’s Bathroom Etiquette

ParrotTalks 關閉

Keith Menconi Keith Menconi
Keith Menconi is a Taipei-based freelance writer and the host of ICRT's weekly Taiwan news talk show, Taiwan This Week.
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Is Taiwan ready to change its toilet habits?

Many newcomers to Taiwan are puzzled to find the nation’s bathrooms stocked with one extra piece of equipment: a small trash bin that can be found next to nearly every toilet throughout the country. This puzzlement oftentimes turns into shock when these newcomers are told what that trash can is for. They will soon learn, either from their new landlord or a hastily scrawled sign posted on the wall of a public restroom, that they are under no circumstances to dump their toilet paper into the toilet, but are instead to dispose of it in this very trash bin.
If they take the time to ask, they will quickly be informed that Taiwan’s plumbing just cannot take the added strain of toilet paper flushed down the toilet. Their life will now include the extra chore of cleaning out this bin at regular intervals, bundling up the now befouled toilet paper, and marching off this little parcel to the garbage truck to toss it in along with all the other un-recyclables. It is a system that ensures residents will be intimately involved in the disposal of their own waste, or, when out and about and in need of a public restroom, will have many encounters with the waste recently left behind by others.
Beyond the purely aesthetic objections one may raise, the system also creates some obvious sanitation problems as well, with everyone from residents to garbage collectors to the operators of Taiwan’s incinerators exposed to increased risk of infection.


Yes. And these cities only have one big central mosque, if it was a mosque in the first place. It could be a place where people congregate to discuss knowledge and discoveries.
The so called mosque in cordoba faces south and not towards mecca.

Which medieval Islamic city did you live in? :roflmao:

I am curious. You have a habit of inventing weird stories.

Like saying "Islam is not a religion". :roflmao:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Dubai does not have much oil. Neither does Qatar.

Dubai has enough oil to fuel its growth in the early days. So yes, Dubai grew from its oil wealth before diversifying into commerce and banking.

After years of exploration following large finds in neighbouring Abu Dhabi, oil was eventually discovered in territorial waters off Dubai in 1966, albeit in far smaller quantities. The first field was named 'Fateh' or 'good fortune'. This led to an acceleration of Sheikh Rashid's infrastructure development plans and a construction boom that brought a massive influx of foreign workers, mainly Asians and Middle easterners. Between 1968 and 1975 the city's population grew by over 300%


Turkey's lira has been depreciating for years. So it's paper growth is cancelled out by its banana money.


Muslim - not Moslem - population in HK is even smaller in size than the chink population in Malaysia, Stinkypura and Indonesia.

No wonder HK economy is doing so well. The health of the economy is inversely proportional to the size of the moslem population. Thanks for confirming this fact.

Nobody worships any Prophet.

Then you clearly don't know your religion. Moslems worship muhammad. Sure, you can package to say that you respect him very much if you like. But I don't see other religion followers going to kill people for criticizing their prophets or politicians or rock star.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You find more mosques in jiu hu than in medieval islamic cities. Every corner got one surau. Call to prayers are like one mosque competing with another to determine which is loudest.

The mosques are about politics than worship. Every pious moslem I met is deeply political than spiritual, and most moslems use 'political' and 'spiritual' interchangebly. Just look at the pig PAS theocracy of Kelantan. It's the same in aceh, afghanistan, mindanao or boko haram.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Even chinese avoid living in a dominant chinese society. Quality of life deteriorates due to stress and the way people behave,

Chinks prefer chink dominant societies because they have far lower crime, even after including the riots and protests of HK.

If chinks migrate, they prefer to stay with whites who share their values of stable society, no going full retard on religion like the moslems. When chinks move into the neighbourhood, property prices rise.


Yes correct. Sinkie maths question also racist.

Ah Seng has 200. He bet 150 on horse. Borrowed 100 and bet the remaining on soccer. How much did he win at MBS?

Ahmed buy 2 packets of ice for 80 and used the remaining for 5 bottles of cough mixture for 25 each. How much did he steal from his wife initially?

Muthu drink 5 bottles of beer. He forgot where is his wallet. How much does Muthu have initially after beating up his wife?

John the AMDK went to a pub alone. He went home with 3 women. 2 men left in the morning. Is John bisexual?

Well put statements! :roflmao:
This thread show another siao lang like (Umm Yusof) produced by the fallout of the pandemic.
Everything can be political, social, racial, etc.

Macik bought a plate of Nasi Lemak and added one chicken wing. She ate the left wing before the right wing.
How many wing is left after her meal?

A Singaporean

What the fuck is the issue here? Called a brown face a bully is racist but called a yellow skin a bully is OK? She is just an over sensitive bitch trying to start a BLM movement.