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Chitchat Freelancer Estella Young Uses Moslem Social Media Name To Complain About Racist Chink Book That Say Darkies Are School Bullies!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



SINGAPORE - The National Library Board (NLB) has removed a Chinese-language children's book for review after a reader complained that it is racist.

In response to queries from The Straits Times, a spokesman for NLB said on Sunday (July 19) evening that the board is currently reviewing the book, in view of feedback from its patrons.

The spokesman added: "This will be done in consultation with our Library Consultative Panel, which is an independent and citizen-based panel.

"In line with our established procedures, we have removed all copies of the book from our libraries during the period of review."

Who Wins? by Wu Xing Hua is a picture book that features a "dark-skinned" boy with "oily curly hair" named Mao Mao - Chinese for hairy - who is an aggressive school bully.

The book, for children aged seven to nine, was published in 2018 in Singapore by Marshall Cavendish Education.

It is part of a series of five books titled Amazing Adventures Of Pi Pi.

Library user Estella Young, 42, had written a post about it on her Facebook page last Friday evening under the social media name Umm Yusof.

Describing the book as "astoundingly racist", she noted in the post that the villain was being written about in "explicitly racialised terms, and in contrast to all the other characters who are depicted as fair-skinned".

She added: "What on earth possessed Marshall Cavendish Education to publish a book in which the sole dark-skinned character is irredeemably nasty - especially when his appearance is irrelevant to the plot?"

Ms Young, a freelance writer, told The Straits Times that she had borrowed the book last Thursday from Bedok Library to read to her eight-year-old son, and was "shocked" while flipping through it at home.

She then submitted feedback to the NLB via its Request for Review of Library Materials service online last Friday.

"I don't know how long the review will take, but as long as they're reviewing it, that's a good thing," she said.


Yes correct. Sinkie maths question also racist.

Ah Seng has 200. He bet 150 on horse. Borrowed 100 and bet the remaining on soccer. How much did he win at MBS?

Ahmed buy 2 packets of ice for 80 and used the remaining for 5 bottles of cough mixture for 25 each. How much did he steal from his wife initially?

Muthu drink 5 bottles of beer. He forgot where is his wallet. How much does Muthu have initially after beating up his wife?

John the AMDK went to a pub alone. He went home with 3 women. 2 men left in the morning. Is John bisexual?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
When was I ever racist? How can you be a racist in a land which is traditionally yours?

Can you call a Maori racist in New Zealand?

Anyway as much as you can protest, you rebuttal is just an admission of guilt.

You are a racist if you demand that one race deserves special privileges over others.

By your logic, a neo-Nazi can't be a racist in Germany.


You are a racist if you demand that one race deserves special privileges over others.

By your logic, a neo-Nazi can't be a racist in Germany.
No one demands it except that its in the Constitution. So now you are saying the Constitution is inherently racist?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No one demands it except that its in the Constitution. So now you are saying the Constitution is inherently racist?

The Constitution can be amended. It has been amended many times before. Perhaps you should tell us why racial special privileges in the Constitution cannot be amended. Is it because those privileges are meant specifically for your race?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes correct. Sinkie maths question also racist.

Ah Seng has 200. He bet 150 on horse. Borrowed 100 and bet the remaining on soccer. How much did he win at MBS?

Ahmed buy 2 packets of ice for 80 and used the remaining for 5 bottles of cough mixture for 25 each. How much did he steal from his wife initially?

Muthu drink 5 bottles of beer. He forgot where is his wallet. How much does Muthu have initially after beating up his wife?

John the AMDK went to a pub alone. He went home with 3 women. 2 men left in the morning. Is John bisexual?

Dafuq questions are these :roflmao:


The Constitution can be amended. It has been amended many times before. Perhaps you should tell us why racial special privileges in the Constitution cannot be amended. Is it because those privileges are meant specifically for your race?

Before you want to amend anything , how about first abiding by the present Constitution?

Useless if you want to amend anything and everything and still would not abide by your amendments. Hypocrisy abounds. So much for faking racial integration yet cannot even abide and respect the Constitution you live under.


i have personally come across a lot of chinese books for early education with a subtle racist theme.
The bad characters are often dark skinned.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
probably triggered because BLM is trending now; more so when schools are having holiday.

One of my best friends in secondary school is dark skinned and curly haired. We called him 小黑鬼 from sec 1 to JC.

He never complained to the teacher. In fact, he turned out to be one of the top students and sportsman in my cohort. Today he is a multi millionaire. I swear this story is true.

Being called 小黑鬼 by all of us must have made him excel in life.

Strawberries' BLM movement is just toxic