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Posted on 03 Feb 2010
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Stomp EX-Greenridgean was disturbed that these two young students actually kissed and hugged in broad daylight in full view of the public. What made it worse was that they were wearing their school uniforms.
In an email to us on Feb 3, he said:
"This video was captured on Feb 3 at about 6pm from my house at Bukit Panjang.
"I wonder what these two students were trying to do - kissing and hugging at the top and middle of the multi-storey carpark in their school uniforms.
"I can confirm that they are from Greenridge Secondary School and are from the lower secondary because I was previously from that school.
"I wonder why they do not feel ashamed doing that in public.
"Are they trying to tell the world that they are in love?"
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see (Part 1)
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see (Part 2)
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: kissing , public displays of affection , uniform , PDA , multi-storey carpark
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Stomp EX-Greenridgean was disturbed that these two young students actually kissed and hugged in broad daylight in full view of the public. What made it worse was that they were wearing their school uniforms.
In an email to us on Feb 3, he said:
"This video was captured on Feb 3 at about 6pm from my house at Bukit Panjang.
"I wonder what these two students were trying to do - kissing and hugging at the top and middle of the multi-storey carpark in their school uniforms.
"I can confirm that they are from Greenridge Secondary School and are from the lower secondary because I was previously from that school.
"I wonder why they do not feel ashamed doing that in public.
"Are they trying to tell the world that they are in love?"
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see (Part 1)
Students in uniform kiss on carpark rooftop for all to see (Part 2)
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: kissing , public displays of affection , uniform , PDA , multi-storey carpark