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France muslim tells friend that he beheaded people in Syria, ‘this is how it was in the time of the prophet’


He calls himself “Citizen of the World” on social networks. She, “Inès veiled.” Behind these pseudonyms are a young man and a young woman, Nael A. and Malicia J., with a love story that is surprising, to say the least. After meeting on an online video game platform, they succumbed to love at first sight and married religiously at a distance, by simply sending an audio recording to Signal messaging.

A marriage between two Muslims, each with a very personal reading of the Koran. Where we discover, on both sides, original lies. To his sweetheart, Nael A. first claims to live in the Paris region. He is, in fact, in Syria, in the ranks of a jihadist group close to Al-Qaeda. To her husband, Malicia J. justifies her comfortable income by selling clothes. In reality, she sells her charms at a frantic pace, pretending to be an Algerian that she is not…


They discovered that he had sent one of his friends in France photos of him posing proudly with heavy weapons: Kalashnikov, machine gun, automatic pistol… In another shot, he is wearing an explosives belt. “Once, I messaged him to ask him for news and he said to me: ‘I went to the front, I’m sorry, we beheaded people and then we looted them, we took everything,’ this friend of Nael A. confided to the DGSI policemen. He even said to me: ‘This is how it was in the time of the prophet.’ (…) He also told me that if he returned to France and if he saw a Frenchman again, he would cut his throat.”