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Foreign boyfriends



Are foreign men eaiser to get attached to Singaporeans? An acquitance met this German guy while clubbing and they hooked up instantly.


One is roaring to f88k and the other is yearning for f88k.....

When 2 f88k, a resounding unison !! ..... in carnal sense !!

Are foreign men eaiser to get attached to Singaporeans? An acquitance met this German guy while clubbing and they hooked up instantly.


heard from a friend that his FT colleage when to club Babyface and pick up a prc girl

and got Aids from her

last year happen one


Yes angmos are very very powerful sex magnets in Spore...me no angmo and sex magnet only go geylang...:(

See with your own eyes at Attica, Clarke Quay, Velvet underground...many are able to get one night stands with Sinkie;s wife and girlfren...and daughter..

My last angmo boss asked a stranger who was quite chio to kiss me...and she obeyed him..That is how powerful they are...


1. ang mos are generally more presentable looking due to their height and sharp facial features. chinese men - short legs and small eyes , flat nose

2. ang mos more suave in their mannerism; can sweet talk better, speaks well in their native language, chinese men - singlish , boring , cannot hold a conversation

3. ang mos got the mysterious factor, somewhat a type of challenge. chinese men - predictable, date one and you've dated all

4. ang mos - more willing to spend money on wine, dining , like to go restaurants , flowers . chinese men - more stingy, no appestier or desert, likely to go hawker centre


Are foreign men eaiser to get attached to Singaporeans? An acquitance met this German guy while clubbing and they hooked up instantly.
It's a question of life choices, isn't it?
People make their choices and live with the consequences, whatever they may be.
It'll be interesting to note how often the "hookups" develop into something serious. I suspect the % would be quite low.
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I meaned this before and i'll say it again.

Once read a woman's magazine with some interviews on why local sluts want Ang Mors.

They replied that when they were young, all the prince charmings in fairy tales were Ang Mors. So it's natural conditioning.

One even said if she have ONS with ang mor, they'll be at his nice service apartment. He'll iron her clothes next morning, and make her breakfast. The local guy will probably be in a HDB flat, and neighbours can hear their moans......


I meaned this before and i'll say it again.

Once read a woman's magazine with some interviews on why local sluts want Ang Mors.

They replied that when they were young, all the prince charmings in fairy tales were Ang Mors. So it's natural conditioning.

One even said if she have ONS with ang mor, they'll be at his nice service apartment. He'll iron her clothes next morning, and make her breakfast. The local guy will probably be in a HDB flat, and neighbours can hear their moans......

Maybe the ang-moh also TUA KEE! More shiok for her mah. :p


The story is the guy (German) was on an exchange programme at NUS. Met the girl (only finished her A levels/IB) and the kissed and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sigh. isolated case.


Alfrescian (Inf)
1. ang mos are generally more presentable looking due to their height and sharp facial features. chinese men - short legs and small eyes , flat nose

2. ang mos more suave in their mannerism; can sweet talk better, speaks well in their native language, chinese men - singlish , boring , cannot hold a conversation

3. ang mos got the mysterious factor, somewhat a type of challenge. chinese men - predictable, date one and you've dated all

4. ang mos - more willing to spend money on wine, dining , like to go restaurants , flowers . chinese men - more stingy, no appestier or desert, likely to go hawker centre

Hey local men dun just include chinese only okay. Besides what works for the goose does so for the gander as well. Chinese women boring, small tits, nasty.


The story is the guy (German) was on an exchange programme at NUS. Met the girl (only finished her A levels/IB) and the kissed and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sigh. isolated case.

Wow! maybe the german guy can lick very well. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
the facts is nowaday alot of angmo including some japanese are staying in HDB and eat at hawker centre .


A lot of vietnamese, prcs, thais, indons, pinoys also look for foreign boyfriends. not only singaporeans:p


Distorted ego. They feel proud to be with angmoh because they conceive them to be more superior race eg got to be of some standard to attract an angmoh lah and kampong folks (especially those illiterate ones) will respect. Many of these angmohs must be laughing their hearts out for the undue elevated status given by silly locals. Many families back home have lower standards of living compared with those of their admirers here. Some men also feel lawah to be out with angmohs. Those working with them know that many of them take their postings here as holidaying and do not deserve the posts more than locals, thanks to angmoh companies trusting only their kind, with very few exceptions.


Aiyah no point lamenting about the SPGs preference. Its time we strike back by spreading our wild seeds on the female caucasians.