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34 yo Ms Joyce said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over 6 years from dating apps, and was scarred by 3 of her former bf cheating on her


One look and you will know why already. Which guy would want to date a woman whose nose looks like wanting to collect rain water every day?


Singles interviewed by ST also spoke about the challenges of finding suitable partners on dating apps.

Ms Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from such apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her.


Digital marketing manager Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from dating apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her. ST PHOTO: DESMOND WEE

“I had no vibes with a couple of them and we were not compatible. Some ghosted for no reason, and some are just casual dating. I would say, more often than not, the guys are the not-so-serious ones. Or maybe I’m just not the one they want to be serious with,” she said.

“Even if a guy or girl is serious, there are many choices. They tend to pick and choose as well. It’s very easy for people to be the second option.”

The digital marketing manager, who is close to her three elder brothers, also single, hopes to buy a resale flat when she becomes eligible in 2025.

She is signing up for social mixers in the hope of meeting someone offline. “At this point in life, I would want someone to add value to my life rather than someone who would disrupt it,” she added.

“I would want to have a relationship where time is well spent together, and we motivate each other to do better in life.”

Looks like a delulu. Is she a virgin?


She has nice breasts, but breasts alone cannot sustain a relationship.
I think guys know her initially just curious and want to squeeze her breasts only, later saw her tree-trunk waist and cow legs cannot marikitah, sianz already then jitao dump, MIA. Rinse and repeat.


One look and you will know why already. Which guy would want to date a woman whose nose looks like wanting to collect rain water every day?


Singles interviewed by ST also spoke about the challenges of finding suitable partners on dating apps.

Ms Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from such apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her.


Digital marketing manager Joyce Lim, 34, said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over six years from dating apps, and was scarred by three of her former boyfriends cheating on her. ST PHOTO: DESMOND WEE

“I had no vibes with a couple of them and we were not compatible. Some ghosted for no reason, and some are just casual dating. I would say, more often than not, the guys are the not-so-serious ones. Or maybe I’m just not the one they want to be serious with,” she said.

“Even if a guy or girl is serious, there are many choices. They tend to pick and choose as well. It’s very easy for people to be the second option.”

The digital marketing manager, who is close to her three elder brothers, also single, hopes to buy a resale flat when she becomes eligible in 2025.

She is signing up for social mixers in the hope of meeting someone offline. “At this point in life, I would want someone to add value to my life rather than someone who would disrupt it,” she added.

“I would want to have a relationship where time is well spent together, and we motivate each other to do better in life.”
Is she still a virgin?


" It gave me a warning in 2020 and I tolerated the pain till I gave in and went for checks and it survived through a gallbladder removal surgery. "

Gallbladder removal surgery is very serious and horrifying with permanent health damage gone case already.
You don't wish to be anywhere near her life or you will be sucked into all her diet and further health issues.

From ChatGPT:

Gallbladder removal surgery, or cholecystectomy, is a common procedure that can have various effects on a woman's health and body. The gallbladder is a small organ that stores bile produced by the liver to help digest fats. Removing it can lead to several changes and potential complications. Here’s a detailed overview of what might happen to a woman's health and body after undergoing gallbladder removal surgery:

**1. **Immediate Post-Surgery Effects​

Recovery Period:

  • Surgical Pain: After the surgery, which can be performed laparoscopically or through open surgery, a woman might experience pain and discomfort at the incision sites. This is typically managed with pain medication and subsides within a few days to weeks .
  • Activity Restrictions: There will be temporary restrictions on physical activities, especially heavy lifting, to allow proper healing. Patients are usually advised to gradually return to normal activities over a period of 2-6 weeks, depending on the surgery type .

Digestive Adjustments:

  • Initial Dietary Changes: Initially, a woman may need to adhere to a low-fat diet to help her body adjust to the absence of the gallbladder. This helps in managing symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and gas, which are common immediately after the surgery .
  • Gradual Reintroduction of Foods: Over time, most individuals can return to a regular diet, though some may continue to experience issues with fatty foods and may need to avoid or limit these .

**2. **Long-Term Health and Digestive Changes​

Digestive Impact:

  • Bile Flow Changes: Without a gallbladder, bile flows directly from the liver into the small intestine. This constant bile flow can lead to changes in digestion, particularly in the digestion of fats. Some women may experience chronic diarrhea or loose stools, a condition known as bile acid diarrhea .
  • Dietary Adaptations: Long-term, some women may need to continue monitoring their fat intake. High-fat meals can sometimes cause indigestion or discomfort because the continuous flow of bile may not be sufficient for digesting large amounts of fat at once .

Potential for Nutrient Deficiencies:

  • Fat-Soluble Vitamins: There may be a risk of deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) if the body has difficulty absorbing fats. Supplementation and dietary adjustments may be necessary to ensure adequate nutrient intake .

**3. **Common Complications and Health Considerations​

Postcholecystectomy Syndrome (PCS):

  • Symptoms: Some women may experience ongoing digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea, known as Postcholecystectomy Syndrome. These symptoms can arise due to changes in bile flow and its impact on the gastrointestinal tract .
  • Management: Management of PCS often involves dietary changes, medications to bind bile acids, and sometimes further medical evaluation to rule out other conditions .

Risk of Gallstones in the Bile Duct:

  • Residual Gallstones: Occasionally, gallstones may remain in the bile ducts even after the gallbladder is removed, which can lead to complications such as pain, infection, and jaundice. These stones may require additional treatment or surgery .

**4. **Metabolic and Hormonal Changes​

Weight Management:

  • Weight Changes: Some women might experience changes in weight post-surgery. While some may lose weight due to dietary changes and better management of symptoms, others might gain weight if they eat more freely without experiencing previous gallstone-related discomfort .
  • Metabolic Adjustments: The body may also undergo metabolic adjustments as it adapts to changes in bile production and digestion, potentially affecting how it processes and stores fats .

Hormonal Balance:

  • Hormonal Influence: The gallbladder and bile acids play a role in the metabolism of hormones. Changes in bile flow might influence the body's hormonal balance, although the exact mechanisms and effects are not fully understood (Super Stars Culture).

**5. **Lifestyle and Emotional Impact​

Quality of Life:

  • Symptom Relief: Many women experience significant relief from the pain and discomfort associated with gallstones and other gallbladder-related issues, leading to an improved quality of life .
  • Emotional Well-being: Adjusting to life without a gallbladder can involve emotional changes as well. Some women may feel anxious about dietary restrictions or potential complications, while others may feel relieved and more positive due to the elimination of pain .

**6. Personalized Management and Follow-up

Individual Variability:

  • Personalized Care: The impact of gallbladder removal can vary widely among women, depending on factors like age, overall health, and pre-existing conditions. Personalized management and follow-up with healthcare providers are crucial to address specific concerns and ensure optimal health outcomes .
  • Regular Monitoring: Regular check-ups and monitoring can help manage any long-term effects and ensure that any complications are addressed promptly .


Gallbladder removal surgery can lead to significant changes in a woman's digestive health, lifestyle, and overall well-being. While many women experience relief from symptoms and an improved quality of life, others may need to make ongoing dietary adjustments and manage potential complications. It’s important for women to work closely with healthcare providers to monitor their health and adapt to life after gallbladder removal effectively.


For a comprehensive understanding, you might want to explore these resources further:



Who is the stupid doctor that tells her to remove the gall bladder. That is an important organ to have. All parts of the body cannot be removed. She is done for. The gall bladder removal destroy her dating chances.

But wait... Is she vaccinated?


When I read her life story that is posted her, I can confirmed she is vaccinated if Doctor didn't advise her against it due to her health reason.

The typical person who goes through the typical indoctrination from the typical Sg education. Giving up her sovereignty to govt, doctors, or any establishments. If become fat, then sign up gym. As though the gym and the equipment will help her.

Did she do research on her health issue before agreeing to the gall bladder surgery on what cause her pain instead of listening to doctors.

The Singapore environment/ system is not healthy and safe for citizen who blindly go through it.