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34 yo Ms Joyce said she had no luck with the 25 men she met over 6 years from dating apps, and was scarred by 3 of her former bf cheating on her


Who is the stupid doctor that tells her to remove the gall bladder. That is an important organ to have. All parts of the body cannot be removed. She is done for. The gall bladder removal destroy her dating chances.

But wait... Is she vaccinated?
i wish to add that removing gall bladder is like removing the pancreas to stop producing insulin to your body. removing any parts of the body that produces juices and hormones will destroy your life and health.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who is the stupid doctor that tells her to remove the gall bladder. That is an important organ to have. All parts of the body cannot be removed. She is done for. The gall bladder removal destroy her dating chances.

But wait... Is she vaccinated?

She looks like your typical mall and restaurant lover, someone who always craves for giveaway prizes and freebies. :biggrin:


From ChatGPT:

Gallbladder removal surgery, or cholecystectomy, is a common procedure that can have various effects on a woman's health and body.
i wish to touch on the ChatGPT AI thing here. If the AI say its's common means it is common??? be careful of AI manipulating your life if it's get too big. Humanity isn't ready for AI yet and is being pushed forward to it (by cabal) You will end up destroying yourself. Will create a thread regarding this soon.
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don’t know when she will kee siao and stab you with a knife.
View attachment 202067


From her videos can also see she speaks English one piece one piece like a retard worse than Ah Lian.

I believe this is the key reason she was dumped not helped by her Dinobu body with 朝天鼻 and gallbladder problems, even ghosts also run.

Most men can still tolerate beauty without brains to a certain extent but if no beauty nor brains nor personality with health issues then there is no more commodity value already in fact is a liability.
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