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[For Gian Png Sinkies] Mr Bean SG Has $0.54 Classic Soya Milk & 1-For-1 Pancakes On 31 Jul


I also say..kukujiao become strong and mighty. One poke Ginfreely pengsan :biggrin:

LOL Smiley Face.png



Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I have not been to the Bukit Merah, Henderson, Redhill area in a long while. Should make a trip there.
Nanas Curry still the same standard. Still good and cheap. The short Buibui aunty still as BuiBui and cheerful, though she gave me funny look cos ATB beside me :biggrin:


Old Fart
Nanas Curry still the same standard. Still good and cheap. The short Buibui aunty still as BuiBui and cheerful, though she gave me funny look cos ATB beside me :biggrin:
The bui aunty probably wants some romance with you.:biggrin: But I can't remember Nanas Curry, the chinese mutton soup was our favourite. The last time I was there, smoking was still allowed in hawker centers.:biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
The bui aunty probably wants some romance with you.:biggrin: But I can't remember Nanas Curry, the chinese mutton soup was our favourite. The last time I was there, smoking was still allow in hawker centers.:biggrin:
Can lah...Walk a few steps under hot sun can smoke Liao :biggrin:


Old Fart
Actually hor, I always see got people smoke at hawker centre. No one summon them also. :biggrin:
Some hawker centers allocate a small section for smokers. Usually a row of tables along the fringe. Like at Toa Payoh Lor 8. I like that one.:biggrin: Those who smoke where they should not, will only make the pap richer.:frown:


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Some hawker centers allocate a small section for smokers. Usually a row of tables along the fringe. Like at Toa Payoh Lor 8. I like that one.:biggrin: Those who smoke where they should not, will only make the pap richer.:frown:
Tekka market has two big smoking sections. Neh land always the best :biggrin: