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[For Gian Png Sinkies] Mr Bean SG Has $0.54 Classic Soya Milk & 1-For-1 Pancakes On 31 Jul


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
And again I say, I am pure blood ah neh (with smaller and smaller man boobs since I stopped consuming soy products). You really need to go for another eye check-up!:biggrin:
If @ginfreely sees you in real life, she will melt in your arms and ready to be devirginized and be your sex slave. Tall, macho, handsum and distinctive from the ordinary big nose, fat belly and freaky sinkie men.


And again I say, I am pure blood ah neh (with smaller and smaller man boobs since I stopped consuming soy products). You really need to go for another eye check-up!:biggrin:

Me also Rojak-Blood.

Belarus + Myanmar.




Old Fart
If @ginfreely sees you in real life, she will melt in your arms and ready to be devirginized and be your sex slave. Tall, macho, handsum and distinctive from the ordinary big nose, fat belly and freaky sinkie men.
Oh, goodness gracious me! Please do not give her any ideas. My family in Chennai would disapprove of any liaison with her.:eek::frown::biggrin: