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[For Gian Png Sinkies] Mr Bean SG Has $0.54 Classic Soya Milk & 1-For-1 Pancakes On 31 Jul


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Mr Bean SG Has $0.54 Classic Soya Milk & 1-For-1 Pancakes On 31 Jul

Mr Bean lovers, there’s reason to rejoice today. They’re celebrating National Day with their very own Singafour Day.

It also means you can get ready to chiong as Singafour Day is a limited time sale.


Today (31 Jul), they’ll be giving away Classic Soya Milk at $0.54instead of its original price $1.60.

Pancake lovers will also enjoy a 1-for-1 promotion on their Singafour Pancake/Eggwich selection. Original prices range from $4.80-$7.20.

Exclusive promo from 3pm-7pm

This one-day exclusive promotion on 31 Jul is available only from 3pm-7pm.
Here are the Singafour flavours you can choose from:
  • Pandan cheesecake pancake
  • Gula melaka sago pancake
  • Butter chicken eggwich
  • Chilli crab eggwich

Here are some things to note for both promotions.
Classic Soya Milk promo:
  • Limited to 540 cups per store
  • Maximum 2 cups per person
1-for-1 Singafour Pancake/Eggwich promo:
  • Maximum 5 sets per person
Where is it available?

This promotion is available at all Mr Bean stores throughout Singapore except:
  • Changi General Hospital
  • Centre of Oral Health
  • ITE College Central
  • Jewel Changi
  • Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
  • KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
  • National Centre for Infectious Disease
  • National University Hospital
  • Sengkang General Hospital
  • Sentosa
  • Singapore General Hospital
  • Singapore Management University
  • Tan Tock Seng Hospital
  • Yishun Polyclinic
Healthy teatime or dinner option

Known for being a healthy snack, Mr Bean is truly one of life’s simple pleasures — even more so with this generous sale.

Mr Bean for teatime or dinner today, anyone?

Featured image from Mr Bean on Facebook.


Old Fart
Mr Bean SG Has $0.54 Classic Soya Milk & 1-For-1 Pancakes On 31 Jul

Mr Bean lovers, there’s reason to rejoice today. They’re celebrating National Day with their very own Singafour Day.

It also means you can get ready to chiong as Singafour Day is a limited time sale.


Today (31 Jul), they’ll be giving away Classic Soya Milk at $0.54instead of its original price $1.60.

Pancake lovers will also enjoy a 1-for-1 promotion on their Singafour Pancake/Eggwich selection. Original prices range from $4.80-$7.20.
Exclusive promo from 3pm-7pm

This one-day exclusive promotion on 31 Jul is available only from 3pm-7pm.
Here are the Singafour flavours you can choose from:
  • Pandan cheesecake pancake
  • Gula melaka sago pancake
  • Butter chicken eggwich
  • Chilli crab eggwich

Here are some things to note for both promotions.
Classic Soya Milk promo:
  • Limited to 540 cups per store
  • Maximum 2 cups per person
1-for-1 Singafour Pancake/Eggwich promo:
  • Maximum 5 sets per person
Where is it available?

This promotion is available at all Mr Bean stores throughout Singapore except:
  • Changi General Hospital
  • Centre of Oral Health
  • ITE College Central
  • Jewel Changi
  • Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
  • KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
  • National Centre for Infectious Disease
  • National University Hospital
  • Sengkang General Hospital
  • Sentosa
  • Singapore General Hospital
  • Singapore Management University
  • Tan Tock Seng Hospital
  • Yishun Polyclinic
Healthy teatime or dinner option

Known for being a healthy snack, Mr Bean is truly one of life’s simple pleasures — even more so with this generous sale.

Mr Bean for teatime or dinner today, anyone?

Featured image from Mr Bean on Facebook.
Mr Bean is my favourite! I am heading there now!:biggrin:


Old Fart

why you is the queue?

Me collect cardboards got so many half cups inside bins.

Me pick up drink free song song to Belarus.


also gong gong pay them.

Me pick up...drink free free song song to Belarus.

Free is bestest. Tomorrow, I will go back to picking up half cups. Then sit on roadside kerb, enjoy the drinks and the cigarette butts I picked from ashtrays.:biggrin:

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Should not touch soy products if you dont want to grow manboobs. Almost all the soy beans today is imported from the US. The US soy is heavily genetically modified for extra yield. Studies have shown that eating GM soy increases estrogen in men.