I have been waiting for you to dig a deeper hole. If you have not been over enthusiastic in trying to prove yourself in this forum as "the smart poster" by calling people silly, you will realize it's not that difficult to understand the context.
There is a big difference between:
A 1st party using the camera to film a fight
in order to avoid a fight versus a 3rd party using the camera to film a fight
when you are not involved in the fight. You obviously are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Froggy and I are referring to the first situation. As for the second situation, it really doesn't matter who filmed the fight. Like you said, "anybody would have filmed these exciting fight!"
So you like to catch me with my pants down ? Now that you know you are barking up the wrong tree, you still want to catch me with my pants down.
If you want to suck my cock, you can ask me nicely. Don't have to always wait to catch me with my pants down.
