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Farking PMD retards speeding on ECP up to 110km/h


What the fark is Chee Hong Tat going to do about it?


like all useless pap ministers, kick the can down the road lor


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What the fark is Chee Hong Tat going to do about it?

All this video does is show why PMDs are a far more appropriate means of transport in congested Singapore.

They can go just as fast as cars while at the same time taking up far less road space, causing far less pollution and noise and consuming a negligible amount of resources compared to ICE vehicles.

Everyone should be riding one whenever feasible. It will make the country a much better place for all.

The retards aren't the PMD riders. It's people who are dumb enough to insist on paying astronomical amounts for a car just so they can be stuck in traffic while collectively contributing billions to the government coffers.


U see Truthspeaker...veey good IQ , yet he choose to be a flat earth believer


thisbkind of case must wait until serious accident with people dying then pap will act one. otherwise u all can wait long long

Only when these PMD CBkias get mowed down by lorries with brains splattered on the road then the PAP-Gov will suddenly wake up and take action, LOL.


Old Fart
I see them occasionally on the roads. I think it is difficult to catch them, no license plates, no way of identifying them. If kena a road block, they will just scatter and easily evade the authorities.

Only way is to empower motorists to run them over. Use the video as evidence of the good deed, LTA pays for any repairs needed, and the motorist is rewarded with a complimentary car (a sportscar or luxury car) to drive in the interim. Plus a PBM title and more CDC vouchers.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
thisbkind of case must wait until serious accident with people dying then pap will act one. otherwise u all can wait long long
The vast majority of SERIOUS ACCIDENTS are caused by CARS not PMDs. The most effective way of reducing the amount of death and destruction on the roads is to reduce the car population significantly.

Cars should only be used when no other feasible means of transport is available. The majority of commutes should be done on bicycles or PMDs and everyone will be much safer as a result.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Here's the real problem... blur fuck taxi drivers who can't even stay on the road at 10kph.




In school, most essential part of personal financial well being is build around Good Debt and Leverage...

It is a good concept but very hard in real life to achieve the alpha


He can setup a multi task force show faces of other PAP ministers and experts everyday on news to tackle the problem, extra income opportunity.